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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Jany 16 1867

To the
Commissioner of Agriculture
Washington D.C.

Twelve months ago I presented an application to you for garden seeds to be used for the benefit of persons cared for by the Freedmens Bureau. The response you generously extended, enabled us besides its other benefits, to supply a large number of patients in hspitals with fresh vegitables during the year almost without expense.  Their growth was however too much imparied by alternate drowth and flood, to allow seed to mature of such quality as we desire to plant again.
If we can be supplied again as hertofore the same benefits and saving will result, and we will feel under renewed obligations.
I am Your obdt Servt
Maj Genl + Asst Comr

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Jany 16 1867


Bvt Maj A.P.
A.A.A.Gen Bureau R.F. + A. L.
Washington D.C.

In compliance with your instruction of the 5 ult. I have the honor to forward herewith the report of Bvt. Lt. Col. C.J. Kipp Surgeon in chief of the Bureau in this State.  It would have been more promptly forwarded but was accidentally mislaid among other papers.
I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Maj. Gen + Asst Comr

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Jany 16 1867


Bvt Maj C.W.
Supt Demopolis Ala

Transportation has been sent to this office for Mrs. Crinshaw and five (5) children from Uniontown Ala to Boston Mass with the direction however that it is not to be used unless the case is found to be a worthy one.  You will therefore investigate and report upon the circumstances of said family.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
O.D. Kinnman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Jany 17 1867


Wm. V.
Wetumpka, Ala

Your communication of the 16 inst. to C.W. Buckley Superintendant of schools in which you state that certain Colored men in your vicinity have been interfered with and in at least one case been prohibited by certain parties from building upon lots which said colored people had purchased, has been refered to this office.  In reply I have to advise that you at once notify all parties who have so been interfered with that each interference is utterly illegal and that they have an undoubted right to put up on their own land whatever buildings they choose so long as the erection of such building does not infringe a State or Coproration ordinance.  As long as the parties interfering confine themselves to words it will be unnecessary to take any action. Should they proceed to force, the parties interfered with should at once apply to the Civil authorities for protection.  If the Civil authorities are either unwilling or unable to afford such protection the case should be at once referred to this office when protection will be afforded.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
O.D. Kinnman

Transcription Notes:
vegetable, drought misspelled in original