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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alambama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 22" 1867

Coleman Hon Walter
Major of the City of Montgomery


Complaint is very frequently made here that certain parties are improperly compelling freedmen to make labor contracts by accosting them on the streets, and threatening them, in case of refusal, with arrest and punishment as vagrants.

The complainants allege that the operators of the system obtain the connivance of some of the the City Police in their work, as the convenient presence within a few feet of a policeman is used to give force and credence to the threat.

Your character as a lover of fair dealing forbids the presumption that you are aware of the use thus attempted to be made by of your police officers;  and it is only deemed necessary to bring the matter to your knowledge, to have it corrected so far as they are concerned.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Major General

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama  
Montgomery Ala Jany 22 1867

Howard Major General O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


In reply to the letter of Rev J.W. Alvord Superintendent of Schools, B.R.F and A.L. dated Jany 16" 1867, I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of the revised school law of Alabama, approved February 14" 1866, and a copy of a school bill offereded by Mr Borden of Calhoun County and now pending, which will probably be enacted into a law at the present session of the Legislature.

It is understood that Chapter 2 Section 17 of the pending bill will not apply to the teachers now employed in the various Freedmens Schools in Alabama. 

You will notice Chapter 19 which relates to colored schools.

It is deemed advisable to quietly allow the proposed 


law to pass without objection or attempts at the amendment; and to seek to secure, by subsequent legislation, an enactment providing that the schools for colored children in the State shall be under the control and management of the State Commissioner appointed to cooperate in other matters with the Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Maj Gen & Asst Comr

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala  Jany 23" 1867

Mc Aliley Saml W. Esq.
Union Greene Co Ala


Your communication of the 12" inst asking a position in the Bureau is received. In reply I have to say that at present no civilian agents are being appointed in the Bureau, but that this office will afford all the assistance and protection in its power to the officers of the Civil law who show a disposition to administer the laws in force with justice and impartiality.  No State law is considered in force that conflicts with the Act of Congress commonly known as the "Civil Rights Bill".  A copy of said Bill is enclosed for your information and guidance.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
O.D. Kimsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Jany 23" 1867

Callis Bvt Col J.B.
Supt Dist Nor Ala
Huntsville Ala


You are hereby directed to forward to this office on the 1" prox a report containing in general a summary of the work of your office during the present month with such general remarks as to the working of the labor system, Apprentice law, Poor law, and such other State laws as effect the class of people committed to the care of the Bureau.