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thousand bushels of merchantable white corn of the first quality and one hundred thousand pounds of bacon (clear sides) or as near that quantity as convenient packages will admit. 

Should you find the amount probably requisite to purchase a given quantity of bacon, will procure from adjacent Commissary Depots, a quantity of mess pork considerably larger and of as good a quality you will make substitution accordingly and your receipts will be adjusted with the Commissary Generals by the Commissioner of the Bureau. 

The above are for distribution on the basis of the enclosed letter of M.H. Cruikshank State Commissioner for the destitute of Alabama.  The places designated as the points for distribution and the quantity required at each, will indicate to you the places for purchase and mode of shipment, most advantageous to the Government, promptness being a material consideration. 

The regulations which I am required to prepare and which have been already issued, are modified by a subsequent dispatch from General Howard, and your shipments will be made to the Acting or Assistant Commissaries at the points indicated as principal depots.  Mr Cruikshank's letter not being your guide in this particular. 

You will observe that shipments are ordered to Tuscumbia and Decatur where there are no officers now on duty. 
The Assistant Commissary at Huntsville will be directed to receive shipments at these points, to save the cost of return transportation. 

Your shipments to Eufaula, Greenville, and Talladega until further orders will be made to Bvt Maj Geo F. Browning at the two former places and to Bvt Capt Jos Groves at the latter place, care of the Agents designated by Mr Cruikshank and shown in the accompanying list. 

You will sign vouchers for your different purchases payable on presentation to Bvt Lt Col Edwin Beecher Disbursing Officer of the Bureau who will accompany you for that purpose, and will contract for transportation in the same manner, payable at these Head Quarters and with the further condition that the receipt of the consignee shall be a preliminary of payment. 

To prevent loss or misapplication you will cause each package of supplies to be conspicuously marked as the property of the United States. 

You will report frequently and in detail by letter to these Head Quarters, giving also your telegraphic address. 


Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant 
Major General 

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Febry 6" 1867

DuBose J.C. Esq.
Mobile Ala


Enclosed please find copy of the bill for rent of the Medical College building at Mobile, received with your letter of January 25th Ult and certificate of the occupancy of that building by the Bureau for school purposes during the time specified. 

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Major General

Mobile Ala January 25th 1867
Freedmens Bureau 

To Trustees of Medical College Dr

For occupancy and use of buildings from June 1st 1865 to June 1st 1866. $1,800.00

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Febry  6th 1867

In compliance with the request of the Trustees of the Medical College of Mobile, I hereby certify that the College building above referred to was occupied by the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for school purposes during the period recited in the bill as above rendered; and that the annual rent of Eighteen hundred dollars is not an unreasonable charge for the same.

Major General  

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