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to issue orders & do official acts and is therefore the representative in his Dept of the President.  I enclose you herewith an official copy of the order.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Febry 9" 1867

Capers Mrs S.E.
Auburn Ala


Your communication of the 5" inst enclosing copy of an indenture of apprenticeship binding one "Sally Capers" to your husband under the laws of Georgia and asking that the same be approved by the Asst Commissioner, is received.  In reply I have to say that approval at this office is unnecessary, the matter of apprenticeship being now governed entirely by the Civil law, this particular case must be settled under the laws of Georgia and Alabama jointly.  I enclose herewith for your information copy of Sec 7 and 8 of the Apprentice Act of Alabama approved Feb 23" '66.  The law of Georgia is probably very similar to it, and your proper course is to confer with the "Probate Judge" or "Ordinary" of the County where the child was apprenticed and ascertain the law that you may act under it.

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Febry 9" 1867

Greene Bvt Maj S.C
A.A.A.G Dist of the Chatt
Macon. Ga.


I have the honor to forward herewith the Tri Monthly Report of this Command for Feb 10" 1867.  Also the Weekly Station Report of companies serving in the Sub Dist of Ala for the week ending Feb 10th 1867. 


Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Major General

Head Quarters Sub District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 11" 1867

Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to forward herewith for your information a copy of the proceedings of a Board convened at these Head Quarters for the purpose of examining into the expenditures of the Bureau in this State and recommending such reductions as might be found advisable.  The recommendations of the Board with the exception of the discharge of Messrs Arthur and Gardner have been approved and carried into effect.  Col Arthur is now engaged as Special Agent in the purchase of the new supply of corn and bacon and Mr Gardner has been temporarily assigned to the charge of the Station at Greenville, both these assignments having been made since the report of the Board.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Major General

Head Quarters Sub District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 11" 1867 

Roberts Elwood
Talladega Ala


Your communication of the 4" inst asking transportation to your home in Cumberland Co. New Jersey is received.  In reply I have to enclose circular from the Commissioner, on this subject just received.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
O.D. Kinsman


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