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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 20 1867

Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commr &c
Washington D.C.


The Circular letter from your office of date Feb 12" 67 inviting attention to Regulations of this Bureau prohibiting the use of a public horse by Contract Surgeons but stating that in special cases a horse may be furnished, is received.  In reply I have the honor to state that there are at present no special cases within this District in which it is considered desirable to furnish public horses to such officers.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Major General

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 20 1867

Whipple Bvt Maj Gen W.D.
Asst Adjt General
Dept of the Tenn


Lieut G.D. Jenning V.R.C. having by an order from your Hd Qrs been detailed as A.A.Q.M. & A.C.S. of the Post of Huntsville, Ala. I have the honor to respectfully request that he may be relieved from the performance of said duties, his services being needed in the Bureau:  there are three Commissioned Officers on duty with the Company stationed at Huntsville, one of whom can be detailed to relieve Lieut Jenning

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Major General


Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Feb 20 1867

Gardner S.S.
Sub Asst Commissioner
Greenville Ala


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19" inst complaining of the disorderly conduct of Private Donelson on duty at Greenville.  Enclosed please find transportation for the detachment to this place.  In view of the many irregularities complained of it is deemed advisable to withdraw the troops entirely from Greenville.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
1" Lieut 24 U.S. Infty

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 20" 1867

Greene Bvt Maj S.C.
A.A.A.G. Dist of the Chatt
Macon Ga


I have the honor to forward herewith the Tri Monthly Report of this Command for Feb 20" 1867

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
Major General

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Feb 21" 1867

Hublaw Mr John P.
Troy, Pike Co. Ala.


Your note of the 18" inst making certain inquiries as to the contract system is received.  In reply I have to state that the freedmen have their rights and liabilities in all contracts and agreements in common with all other citizens.     

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt servant