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MaJ Genl and Asst Comm'r

[[left margin]] 159 Shipherd 66/223 [[/left margin]]

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 4" 1867

Jacob R. Esq.
Secty Assi [[Swiss?]] Association
Chicago Ills.

Yours of the 27" ult. reviewing your request that Dr Gray may be appointed civilian Agent and paid by the Bureau, is received.
In reply, the Commissioner desires me to say that Civilian Agents of the Bureau receiving pay are expected to devote their entire time to the duties of each Agency and that therefore it would be impracticable to appoint an Agent, as you suggest, who, while borne on the rolls of the Bureau, and receiving pay therefrom, would be engaged in other duties.
Very Respectfully
Your obedt Servt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst Commissioner

[[left margin]] Swayne [[/left margin]]

(Copy) War Department
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington May 31" 67

Bvt Maj Genl Wager
Asst Commissioner &c
Montgomery. Ala

You are respectfully informed that the following named officers serving under your direction, have failed to take up property, and make proper returns thereof, for property received, for the month of February, as follows;
Bvt Col J.B. Callis, S. A.C. Huntsville, Ala of Bureau Stores. Qr.-M Stores and C.C. and G.E.
Bvt Capt P. E. O'Connor A.A.Q.M. Demopolis, Ala of C.C. and G.E.
Chas. F. McGogy S.A.C. Talladega, Ala of C.C. & G.E.
You will please notify these officers that unless their accounts, as above specified, are received at these Head Quarters.


within thirty days from date, that their names will be forwarded to the Paymaster General Asst. if an officer or the Chief Disbursing Officer of the Bureau, if a civilian, for stoppage of pay.
By Command of
Maj Genl OO Howard

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servt.
(Signed) Henry W. Whittlesey
Bvt Brig Genl & Chief Qr. M.

[[left margin]] 160 Callis 73/76
O'Connor 5-9/157
McGogy 73/76 [[/left margin]]

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 4" 1867

Bvt Brig Genl J.B. V.R.C
S.A.C. Huntsville Ala
Respectfully referred to  - for his information.

Bvt Capt P.E. V.R.C.
A.A.Q.M B.R.F. and A.L. Demopolis Ala.
Respectfully referred to  - for his information.

Jas. F.
S.A.C. Talladega. Ala
Respectfully referred to. 

The above is a correct copy of Genl Whitting's communication. It is presumed that the name Chas. is a clerical error, and a copy is therefore forwarded for your information. 
O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Assistant Commissioner

[[left margin]] Letter [[/left margin]]

War Department
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington DC May 15" 67


I have information from Virginia and South Carolina that interference among the freedmen is on the increase.
Already a movement is on foot in this city having in view a thorough organization so as to enable the colored people to [[each?]] all the power possible to prevent the evil in question.
I find that the "Love of Freedom", in their Grand Divisions retain the old bigotry, and decline to extend their Order to save men of dark skin from drunkeness. Except