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by other motives than a simple desire to execute the law but, so long as he keeps within the cover of the law, he cannot be arbitrarily interfered with.  Mr. Wright's statement of the affair, so far as facts are concerned, agrees with your own.  The communication of the 5" inst. to you did not direct you "to write to Wright and revoke the orders given him", but simply to cease such interference, as the law, under which Mr Wright was acting, was "held to be in force".  Mr W. was entitled to an answer to his letter, and one was accordingly sent him, stating, what action had been taken.  If you had not (in your desire to put down an apparent wrong) placed yourself in the position of obstructing a civil officer in the legal discharge of his duty you would have not been subjected to the present annoyance.

If Mr W's letter had been referred to you for explanation no different state of facts would have been shown to exist, and therefore no different result could have followed.  With Mr Wright's publishing the correspondence in the newspaper neither his office nor yourself have anything to do.  As to the abusive language and riotous conduct of Mr W. prompt action will be taken at this office through the Assessor.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commsr

Head-Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala.  July 22" 67

Dreyspring Mr Adolph


You are directed to report at this office at 9 A.M. tomorrow to answer certain complaints made in regard to non-fulfillment of contract made by you with Mike Clark and certain other freedmen.

Very Respectfully
Your obd't servt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commsr


Head-Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala.  July 22" 67

Connelly Wm. E.
Sub Asst Comm'r
Eufaula, Ala.


Yours of the 17" inst., forwarding certain vouchers for June, is received.  You did not sign the certificate to Mr Benton's vouchers, but, to prevent their being again returned, I have signed them myself, and the money for all the vouchers, except for travel expenses will go to you to-day by express.

Your vouchers for rent of office, stable and furniture, and for drayage should have been made out in the name of the parties performing the service.  Hereafter this rule must be observed, and the parties must sign the receipts when forwarded.  No objection is made to this rule by any one else in the State.

Your travel vouchers are returned for this addition to the certificate after the word "such" — and that my board bill was accruing at Eufaula, during all this time, and that I have actually paid the same.

All vouchers, except for your own pay must be certified to by yourself.

Very Respectfully
Your obd't serv't
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commsr

Head-Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala.  July 22" 67

McDonald Hon. J.H.
Probate Judge
Lawrence County
Moulton, Ala.


Yours of the 6" inst, relative to the bearing of G.O. 3, current series from this office, on the apprenticeship of minors, is received.  In reply the Assistant Commissioner directs me to say that, upon the complaint of the minor alone, the Probate Judge is competent to hear and decide the case upon its merits.

Very Respectfully, 
Your obd't serv't