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Head Quarters Dist of Ala 
Montgomery, Alabama.  Aug 9th 1867

Healy J.B.
Agent B.R.F and AL 
Girard, Alabama 


Yours of the 8th inst is received as was also your last Oath" and receipt for Circulars.  In reply to questions as to your duty and power in certain cases I have to state.  That an unreasonable contract where the employees agreed to work for a sum much less than such labor was worth or when they were subjected to unjust exactions &c. must be set aside and a settlement made as if no contract existed.  The approval of a Judge of Probate or Justice of the Peace does not render a contract valid which otherwise is invalid.  You cannot at present be authorized to execute a laborers lien on property but within a few days it is hoped that such authority will be granted.  I am fully aware of the importance of this and you will be furnished with the power at the earliest practicable moment.  You can forward an estimate of what is necessary for Office expenses which will be examined and acted on.  Strict economy must be practiced

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Servant 
O.D. Kinsman 
Sub Asst Commissioner 

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery, Alabama.  Aug 9th 1867 

Tracy Bvt Maj Geo. H.
Sub Asst. Commissioner
Mobile, Alabama
McGogy Mr J. F.
Sub Asst. Commissioner
Talladega, Alabama

Your report of rations issued to Refugees and Freedmen in the Colony and hospital under your charge during the month of July has not been received.  You will please forward it at once.  Hereafter these reports must be forwarded by the 5th of each month.

Very Respectfully - Your Obt Svt
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Comr


Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery, Alabama.  Aug. 10th 1867.

Healy Mr J. B.
Agent BRF and AL
Greenville, Alabama


Yours of the 8th inst is received.  In reply I have to say that in the case of the man "Jas. Wright" against whom complaints are made, it is evident from the clause of the contract which you copy that he is indebted to the family of Jas. Webb for the time said family worked at the rate of $240. per year and that he is also liable in damages for not fulfilling that portion of his contract which prescribes that he shall furnish medical attendance &c.  This on the presumption that said family have in good faith fulfilled their part of the contract except when prevented by sickness.  That case and those of the other laborers driven away must be brought before the nearest Justice of the Peace if they cannot be settled by arbitration.  I wrote you yesterday relative to liens on crop.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commissioner

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery, Alabama.  Aug 10th 1867

William Miller Esq
U.S. Commissioner
Tuscaloosa, Alabama


Yours of the 8th inst asking which course to pursue when a Justice refuses to issue a warrant on the application of a freedwoman, is received.  In reply I have to say that if the refusal of the Justice was on the ground of the applicant being a freedman and if the application was of such a character that if presented by a white man a warrant would have been issued, then a report setting forth the circumstances of the case should be made to Bvt Maj S.C. Greene A.A.A. Genl at these Head Quarters.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner