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Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery, Ala.  Decr. 27, 1867.

Pierce Bt Maj C.W.
Sub Asst Commr
Demopolis Ala.
By direction of the Asst Commissioner I enclose you herewith copy of a recent endorsement of the Commr. on a letter sent from this office.  In view of the order therein given the General has decided that Bureau officials in this District cannot occupy their positions while a candidate for the office of Member of Congress.  He has directed me to notify you of this decision in order that you may take the necessary action in the event of your accepting such nomination

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery Ala  Decr. 27, 1867.

Blake M.
Justice of the Peace Lowndes Co
Fort Deposit Ala

Dennis Underwood (Col) states that Mrs Sarah Bolling and Drew Cryster for whom he has been working during the current year have threatened to take his life and that he has left the place through fear that they will execute these threats.  It is understood that they have done this on account of Dennis having attached the crop.  The Asst Commr directs that you investigate this case and if the facts are as alleged that you proceed with the parties according to the law.  Result of the case must be reported to this office.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr


Head Quarters District of Alabama.
Montgomery Ala  Decr 28th, 1867

Callis Capt Jno. B.
Sub Asst Commr
Huntsville Ala

It has been brought to my notice that at a public meeting at Huntsville recently it was resolved to present your name at a District Convention shortly to be held as a Candidate for Congress.

Instructions received from Major General O.O. Howard Commr require me unless you decline such a nomination immediately, to relieve you from the position you now hold.  If it is your purpose therefor to become a Candidate, you will at once transfer the duties of your office to Bt Brig Genl Julius Hayden Commanding Post of Huntsville, who is hereby authorized and directed in that event to relieve you of the same, and will turn over to him or to such officers as he may designate, all Government property for which you are accountable.  You will immediately report your action in the premises.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Bt Maj Genl & Asst Commr

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama.
Montgomery Ala  Decr. 30th 1867.

Gillem Bt Maj Genl A.C.
Asst Commr
State of Mississippi

I have the honor to refer to you the following statement of facts for your consideration and action.  It appears from certain papers submitted at this office that Messrs Cecil, Bevill and Lane of Sumter Co. Ala, conveyed all stock farming implements & the crop of the current year, in trust to J H Gary the crop and if necessary the proceeds of the sale of the stock implements &c to be used for the payment of the expenses of the place, and for the discharge of the indebtness still due by Messrs C. B. & L. to Mr. Pharrs from whom they had bought the plantation wholly or partially upon time.  It is understood that the laborers worked for one fourth of the crop and a provision inserted in the deed of trust stating that the proportion of the crop due the laborers is not effected by said deed.  The laborers transferred their share of the cotton (one fourth) to their Agent H.A. Holdridge