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Head Quarters District of Alabama.
Montgomery Ala  Jany 2, 1868

Howard Major General O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to ask the recall of my letter of the 23d Ult asking the appointment as Agent of C.W. Pierce (late Bt Maj of Vols.)  Maj Pierce has accepted a nomination to Congress, and resigns his position in the Bureau.

I have the honor to ask that Pierce Burton be appointed as Agent to succeed Maj Pierce at One Hundred & twenty five dollars ($125) per month and also that C.L. Drake be appointed as Clerk for that Station at One Hundred dollars ($100) per month both appointments to take effect Jany 1st 1868.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Bt Maj Genl & Asst Commr

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama.
Montgomery Ala  Jany 2nd 1868

Pierce Bt Maj C.W.
Sub Asst Commr
Demopolis Ala.


Yours of the 30th Ult recommending the appointment of Messrs Burton and Drake, is received.  Application has been made today for Mr. Burton's appointment as Agent at One Hundred and twenty five dollars per month, and Mr. Drake as Clerk at One Hundred dollars ($100) per month, both appointments to date from Jany 1st 1868.  They will both enter at once on the discharge of their duties.

Enclosed find two test Oaths which will be executed and returned to this office.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr


Head Quarters District of Ala
Montgomery Ala  Jany 4th 1868

Howard Major General O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to ask that Capt John B. Callis 45 U.S. Infy may be relieved from duty as Sub Asst Commr of the Bureau at Huntsville Ala, and ordered to his Regt.  
It is intended to supply his place by detail from the 15 U.S. Infy.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Bt Maj Genl & Asst Commr

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama.
Montgomery Ala  Jany 6th 1868

Herbert T.S. Esq
Sheriff Lowndes Co
Lowndesboro Ala.


The letter orders from this office restraining you from selling on execution the property of James Harrison in Lowndes County are hereby rescinded.  The unsold crop on said place is subject to action under G.O. 13 and 14 Hd Qrs Dist of Ala series 1867.

By order of Bt Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commr.

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama.
Montgomery Ala  Jany 6th 1868

Shorkley Bt Maj Gen
Sub Asst Commr
Selma Ala


By direction of the Asst Commr I enclose herewith S.O. 3 Current series from this office directing you to proceed to Montgomery.  My resignation having been forwarded it is designed to announce you as A.A.A.G. of the Bureau in this District.  You will select a suitable person to temporarily discharge the duties of Sub Asst Commr at Selma Ala.