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State of Alabama, Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala  Feby 22, 1868.

Bennett Lieut A.S. U.S.A.
Sub Asst Commissioner 
Demopolis Ala.


Your telegram of today relating to employment of Clerk has been received.
You will retain an enlisted man from your Company and make application for his detail giving name, rank, &c, when orders will be issued by the Military detailing him on extra duty as Clerk in the Bureau.

By order of 
Bvt Brig Gen'l J. Hayden.
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15th Infy. Bvt Maj U.S.A.

State of Alabama, Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala  Feby 24. 1868.

Bryce Dr Peter
Supt Alabama Insane Asylum.
Tuscaloosa Ala.


I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner to inform you that certain expenditures will be made by the Bureau, upon the Insane Asylum under your charge, and that Bvt Lieut Col E. Beecher, Inspector of the Bureau will visit Tuscaloosa in a few days to confer with you upon the matter.

Very Respectfully 
Your Ob't Servant.
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15th Infy. Bvt Maj U.S.A.


State of Alabama, Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala  Feby 25, 1868.

Howard Major General O.O.
Commissioner &c.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor in reply to your communication of the 19th inst to enclose Circular Order No 12, dated State of Alabama, Bu R.F. and A.L. Montgomery Ala. Feby 20, 1868.

Very Respectfully 
Your Ob't Servant 
J. Hayden
Bvt Brig Gen'l U.S.A.
Sub Commissioner

State of Alabama.  Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala  Feby 26, 1868.

Howard Major General O.O.
Commissioner &c.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to apply for Twenty (20) copies of the "Bureau Manual" for distribution to Officers and Agents on duty in the Bureau in this State.

Very Respectfully
Your Ob't Servant
J. Hayden.
Bvt Brig Gen'l U.S.A.
Asst Commissioner.