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State of Alabama Bur. R.F. &c.
Montgomery Ala.  Sept. 4th 68

Howard Maj Genl O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to request the revocation of the appointment of Mr. J.H.W. Mills Agent and D.O. Bureau R.F. and A.L. to date October 1st 1868, as he signified his desire to quit the service of the Bureau on that date;  also the revocations of the appointment of Mr T.C. Stewart, Agent Bur. R.F. and A.L. as there is no necessity for his further service to date September 1st 1868.

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut Col. U.S.V.
Asst Commissioner.

State of Alabama Bur. R.F. & A.c.
Montgomery Ala  September 5th 68

Howard Maj Genl O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


In compliance with Circular No. 4, 1867 I have the honor to submit the following monthly report.  I assumed charge of the Bureau R.F. and A.L. State of Ala. by Circular No 46, in compliance with letter from Major General Howard dated Atlanta Ga August 18th 1868, relieving Brvt. Brig. Genl. T.H. Ruger Colonel 33rd Infantry, who had but a few days previously relieved Bvt. Brig. Genl. O.L. Shepherd, Colonel 15th U.S. Infantry of Assistant Commissioner.

The tone of the reports received from the Sub Asst Commissioners of the State for August is good, and give comparatively but few cases of complaints of any character, and indicate a willingness and activity on the part of the newly installed civil officers to act promptly, and justly upon cases referred to them, so much so, is this disposition manifest that from all reports may be gathered the following words "In all cases heard from satisfactory terms have been agreed upon and the laborers have returned to their work under their contracts".

There is an exception to the general reports of the 


Sub. Asst. Commissioners to the above, in the report of R.A. Wilson Sub. Asst. Commissioner at Demopolis, who reports a great deal of bitterness of feeling against the Agents, and threats of driving them away from their stations, so great is this feeling that he has applied for a small detachment of troops to be stationed there, and further says, that the Agent at Eutaw Mr. Yordy will not be able to remain if they are not furnished;  he reports two cases of murder during the month, the murderer in one case being still at large.  This section of the State the Western Central has been one of the most troublesome, and contains a number of turbulent and dangerous characters that have heretofore, and apparently do now, keep the civil authorities in awe, and set them at defiance.

In the Education Bureau, the intelligence received from all sections is encouraging, showing an increasing anxiety on the part of the Freedmen to have means of educate their children, and greater willingness is manifest in some parts of the State on the part of the whites to aid and assist them in their efforts.

The number of patients in the two Hospitals still remaining in this State, have been diminished and there have been but a few admissions, the condition of the Hospitals and patients, are well spoken of, and speak well for the officers in charge.

Throughout the State there seems to be a feeling of amity on the parts of the whites toward the freedmen, bt it is probable that this is occasioned as is reported by the Sub. Asst. Commissioners, merely with a desire on the part of the whites to secure their votes in the coming Elections, rather than by any other motive, but no matter what the cause is, it is a desirable state of affairs, and it is to be hoped may result in cementing a better feeling between the races.

In every possible way the expenses of the Bureau will be carefully and prudently reduced, and I hope to make a considerable reduction in the number of employees, and the current expenses as fast as it can prudently and successfully be accomplished.

Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Edwin Beecher
Brvt Lieut Col. U.S.V.
Asst Commissioner.