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simply neutralize the increase from all sources, which for the ten years previous was twenty-five (24.9) per cent. Both races fare apparently alike, although perhaps a disproportionate mortality among the blacks has been compensated by importations made from time to time, in order to avoid the converging theatre of war. The census of white males in Alabama which in 1860 gave an aggregate of 270,271, in 1866, presents a decrease of 9,267. The total of black males, in 1860, was returned at 217,766, and has diminished in the interval 3,523; about one-half the ratio of the former. The movement of freed people to the towns is shown by a marked per centage of increase in the counties of Mobile, (25) Montgomery, (23) and Dallas (Selma) (13) with a proportionate decrease in other counties. The figures given for Clarke county, although accurately copied, are considered incorrect. A northward movement of the freedmen, into Tennessee, is shown in the returns from Northern Alabama. The citizens of Randolph claim that their county sent three thousand men to help the armies of the Union. They certainly are loyal, and have lost nineteen per cent. of whites ; they are as certainly deserving of all praise.
In May last, by direction of the President, and by order of the Secretary of War, the Assistant Commissioner was assigned to the command of troops serving in this District, besides his previous duties. The result has been an increase of facility, efficiency, and economy to the Bureau, without loss, it is hoped, to the military service. The Assistant Adjutant General added the military desk to those already in his office, which, in the Bureau, had been charged with the revision and preparation of returns, the forwarding of soldiers' claims, matters referred for action or decision, and replies to continual inquiries.
Of claims of colored soldiers for arrears of pay and bounty 526 have been prepared and forwarded, and 29 additional for their relatives, on various grounds.
The many officers from time to time employed, and par-

[[9 columned table]]
|Counties|1860 Whites.|1860 Free Colored.|1860 Slaves.|1860 Total Colored.|1860 Aggregate Population.|1866 Whites.|1866 Colored.|1866 Aggregate Population.|
|St. Clair|9,236|9|1,768|1,777|11,013|8,261|2,050|10,311|
The returns for Baldwin, Franklin and Sumter counties not having been received at the time of printing this report, the figures of the old census are above given.