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will in all probability soon be mustered out of service.  It is recommended that details may be sought from one of the other Regts.
Chas R. Woods
Maj Gen
Fred H. Wilson

Office Assistant Commissioner
B.R.F & A.L
Montgomery Ala Jany 13th 1866
Respectfully returned and attention called to the endorsement from Dept Hd Qrs
By order of
Bvt Maj Gen Wager Swayne

14   B.R.F. & A.L.   1866
Endorsement on request of Robert Johnson. A.A Surg. U.S.A. that he be ordered to report in person to Gen Howard at Washington.

War Department
Bureau Refugees &c
Washington, Jany 3rd 1866
Respectfully returned to be forwarded through the proper channels.
By order of 
Maj Gen Howard
(Sd) H.M. Stinson
Bvt Lt Col &c A.D.C.

Office Assistant Commissioner
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery, Ala. Jany 13th 1866
Respectfully returned to Surg C.L. Kipp, Surg in Chief R.F. & A.L. who will call on Dr Johnson for an explanation of his request to be ordered to Washington.


By order of 
Brvt Maj Gen Wager Swayne

15    B.R.F. & A.L.   1866
Endorsement on letter of C.W. Banks. Agt. U.S. [[Gov.]] Com'r in reference to a claim of Washington Banker Capt W.P Van Lien  97 U.S.C.T.
See E & M  No 5-

Office Supt.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mobile, Ala. Jany 9th 1866.
Respectfully forwarded to Mr C.W. Banks with the statement that I have long known Captain Van Lien and have always found him to be a gentleman in every cause of the time. He would not knowingly wrong any man of the value of a pin.
(Sd) Geo D. Robinson
Col & Supt
Dist of Mobile

Office Assistant Commissioner
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery. Ala. Jany 13th 1865
Respectfully returned and attention invited to endorsement of Col Robinson and letter of Capt Van Lien
By order of 
Brvt Maj Gen Wager Swayne

16   B.R.F. & A.L.   1866
Endorsement on application of H. Cochran, late 33d Mo Vols, for the return of his recommendation for Post Master at Selma, Ala.

Transcription Notes:
Think one of the letters in #15 letter should be dated Jany 13th 1866, not 1865. near bottom of transcriptions.