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indenture and return the children to their parents. (Sd) M. C. Wilkinson Capt & A.A.A.G. 26 B.R.F & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on application of J.F. McGogy Lt & A.A.Q.M for detail of Prvt Frederick Dubach Co "C" 58th Ills Infty Vols Officer Asst Commissioner Bureau R.F. & A.L. Montgomery Ala. Jany 23/66 Approved & respectfully forwarded Brvt Maj Gen. 27 B.R.F. and A.L. 1866 Endorsement on communication of Capt. W.A. Poillon 68th U.S.C.T. Requests to be retained in the Department. Officer Asst. Supt. R.F. and A.L. Mobile, Ala. Jany. 22d 1866 Approved and respectfully forwarded and I would request that if possible Capt. Poillon might be retained. I have received no official notice of his Regiment being mustered out but it is so rumored. (Signed) Gen. D. Robinson Col. and Supt. Officer Asst. Commissioner R.F. & A.L. Montgomery Ala. Jany. 23d 1866 Respectfully returned to Col G.D. Robinson Supt. R.F. and A.L. It is impracticable to retain Capt. Poillon in the service after his Regiment has been mustered out. You are authorized to retain the services of Capt. P. with a compensation of one hundred and fifty $150.00 per month for the present. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne (Sd) M.C. Wilkinson A.A.A.G. 33 28 B.R.F. and A.L. 1866 Endorsement of communication of Capt J.W. Cogswell Asst. Supt at Tuscaloosa Forwards bill of expenses from the sexton of Tuscaloosa for the burial of freedmen. Office Asst. Com. B.R.F. and A.L. Montgomery Ala. Jany. 23d 1866 Respectfully referred to Bvt. Lt. Col. Edward Wright Disbursing Officer Bureau R.F. and A.L. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne (Sd) M.C. Wilkinson Capt. & A.A.A.G. 29 B.R.F and A.L. 1866 Endorsement on communication of T.W. Monty on Asst. Supt. at Greenville. Forwards Vouchers for Edward "Freedman" for payment. Office Asst. Com. B.R.F. & A.L. Montgomery Jany 23d 1866 Respectfully referred to Lt. James F. McGogy A.A.Q.M. by whom this claim should be settled. By order of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne (Sd) M.C. Wilkinson Capt & A.A.A.G. 30 B.R.F. & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on letter from Mrs Pettaway to Genl. Howard and by him sent to Gen. Swayne Office Asst Comsr B.R.F. & A.L. Montg. Ala. Jan 27/66 Respectfully referred to Lt S. Smith who please investigate the case and report the condition of this family to this office By order of Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne (Sd) C. Cadle Jr A.A.G.
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4-19-2021: Reopened for editing; Deciphered last [[?]]; Reviewed page; made correction; marking complete
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