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referred to Bt Col J.B Callis, Supt R.F & A.L. Dist of Huntsville By order of 
Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne  A.A.G

71   B.R.F & A.L.  1866
Endorsement of application of N. M Guilford Bridgeport Ala. Feb 12th 1866, for position in the Bureau.
Refered by Col Barnard, 18th Feby, to Gen Fiske. 

Refd by Gen Fiske, Feb 26th to Gen'l Swayne.

Office Asst Com'r B.R. F & A.L. 
Mont. March 3rd 1866
Respectfully referred to Bt Col J.B Callis, Supt R.F & A.L. Dist of Huntsville.
By order of 
Bt. Maj Gen Wager Swayne  A.A.G.

72  B.R.F & A.L.  1866
Endorsement upon Statement relative to compliments made by Col J. Bond, Past Commissary at Huntsville, Ala, against
Sam'l Tate. Pres Memphis & Charleston R.R states he does not allow him to store rations &c for refugees & freedmen in
the R.R Depot &c.

B.R. F & A.L.
Feby 26 1866 
Respectfully referred to Bt Maj Gen (W.) Swayne. Asst Coms'r for investigation and report.


This paper was submitted by a loyal citizen of Ala. Please return this paper with report 
By order of Maj Gen O.O. Howard
Max Woodhull Asst Adj't Gen

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F & A.L.
Mont. Ala. March 30 1866
Respectfully referred to Bt Col J.B. Callis. Supt R.F. & A.L. at Huntsville, Ala for report.
By order of 
Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne A.A.G

73   B.R.F & A.L   1866
Endorsement on Request of C.W. Pierce, Bt Maj & Asst Supt. for the detail of unlisted men for duty in his office. 

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F & A.L.
Mont. March 6.1866 
Respectfully referred to Lt Col Andrew Geddes Comd'r, Post Selma, Ala with the request that this detail may be made
Bt Col & A.A.G
The Asst Commd being absent.

74   B R F & A.L.   1866
Endorsement on the letter of G. Wonsetler, Surg. in charge, Post Hospital Camp Butler Ill. Feby 20. 1866, who states that Capt J Kerlton is still under treatment & will not be able to rejoin his command for some time.

Transcription Notes:
Col J.B. Callis - his name was John B. Callis Jr. - Superintendent Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands. Brevet (Bt) Maj Gen Wager Swayne - A.A.G.