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68 97 B.R.F A.L. 1866 Endorsement on Comn of F. O Steinberg Asst Supt &c March 19 1866, who states that Henry (Freedmen) has been contracted with by the different parties requests information on the subject. Referred March 20th to G.A Harmount Asst Supt for information as to whether the contract was approved in his office as stated. C. Cadle Jr Bt Col A.A.G Returned March 20th with the information that the statement is correct. C. W. Knight enlisted into the contract Jany 13 1866 & it was approved Feb 1st 1866 G.A Harmount Asst Supt Office Asst Coms'r B.R.F & A.L. Mont March 22 1866 Respectfully returned to Capt F.O Steinberg, Asst Supt R.F. & A.L. The records of Col Harmount's office show that Henry was taken out of jail and the costs his case assumed by Mr Knight on condition that he (Henry) should work it out. In this case the contract was entered into between Henry and Mr Knight on Jany 13 1866 but it was not approved until Feb 1st and after the second contract was approved in your office. The principle is that a reasonable time should be allowed parties for bringing their contracts for approval. In this case Mr 69 Knights contract loses to binding force through not being approved within a reasonable time, but taking the fact into consideration that the freedman was taken out of jail by Mr. K. at above stated, it is ordered that the contract made with him be enforced. If however there are any additional facts in this case, upon their presentation at this office they will be considered. By order of Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne Bt Col & A.A.G. 98 B.R.F & A.L. 1866 See E & M No 77 Page 57 Bureau R.F & A.L. Mch 15. 1866 Respectfully returned to Gen Swayne, Asst Coms'r who will please inform the writers of the within letters have the cases have been investigated and as they do not come under G.O. 138 series of 1865, regulating the subject of transportation. The applications cannot be granted. By order of Maj Gen O.O. Howard Max Woodhull A.A.G. Office Asst Coms'r B.R.F. & A.L. Mont. M'ch 22. 1866 Respectfully referred to Lt S. Smith Asst Supt Tuskegee who will please carry out the instructions contained in Gen. Howard's endorsement. Bt Col & A.A.G.