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72 Bvt Col & A.A.G. 104 B R F A.L. 1866 Endorsement upon letter of G.D Robinson. Supt &c Mobile Ala. March 23d 1866, who reports Sanitary Stores on hand. Office Asst Coms'r B.R.F & A.L. Mont. March 24. 1866 Respectfully referred to Surg Chas J. Kipp Surgeon Chief who will please give the necessary directions in regard to this clothing. C. Cadle Jr A.A.G. 105 B.R.F & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on Furlough to Reuben S. Orris, Sgt of Capt G. W. Marsden's Company of the 8th Iowa Vet Vol Infantry from the 3rd day of April to the 2d day of May 1866 Approved By order of Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne A.A.G. 106 B.R.F & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on letter of C.W. Pierce Bt Maj & Asst Supt. Demopolis, Ala. March 21. 1866 who requests information as to disposition of certain buildings now used by him and claimed by parties in Demopolis Office Asst Coms'r B.R.F & A.L. Mont March 27. 1866 73 Respectfully returned to Bt Maj C. W. Pierce, Asst Supt R.F & A.L. Demopolis, Ala. Please investigate Mr Phillip's claim and ascertain its correctness. If the buildings are his notify him that when they are no longer needed he will be given possession of them. No rent will be paid. C Cadle Jr A.A.G 107 B.R.F & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on Comn of J.E. Newman, Meridian, Miss. Feb 18. 1866 who states that a freedman on his place wishes to get his family from Lumpton Co Ala, but cannot go after them for fear of being killed. Office Asst Coms'r B.R.F & A.L. Mont. March 27. 1866 Respectfully referred to Bt Maj C. W. Pierce, Asst Supt who will take the necessary measures to enable Nelson to obtain his family if he finds the within statement correct. Notify Mr. Newman of your action. C. Cadle Jr A.A.G. 108 B.R.F. & A.L. Endorsement on request of I. Schatz, A.A. Surg U.S.A. March 27. 1866 for detail of Corpl Jerry H. Carl "C" Co 8th Iowa Vols Office Asst Coms'r B.R.F & A.L. Mont. March 27. 1866 Respectfully