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C Cadler Jr
Bt Col & A.A.G.
(The Asst Coms'r being absent)

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Sec. [[?]] No. 125
Page 83
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B.R. F & R.L.
Endorsement on com'n of S.S. Gardner. Supt &c March 7 1866. who makes application for a horse in Govt stable at Selma. That the horse was abandoned and picked up by Mrs Dubose requests that it be returned to her.

O.Q.M. Selma Ala. March 8. 1866
This horse cannot be returned - only in compliance with G.O. No 10. Q.M.G.O.

H.B. Whitsel
Capt & A.Q.M.
Referred to Gen Swayne by S.S. Gardner with request that the horse be transferred to the Bureau. March 27.

Office Asst. Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont. April 2d 1866
Respectfully returned to Capt H.B. Whitsel A.Q.M.
Please inform me of the status of this horse and if practicable supply e with a copy of A.M.Q. order No 10
C. Cadle Jr
Bt Col & A.A.G.

121   B.R.F. & A.L.   1866
Endorsement on com'n of Y.M. Rabb, Asst Supt Evergreen. March 29. 1866 who states that an assault & battery was committed on a freedman by a white man that he arrested the guilty party and bound him over to appear in Court, and that

the man was arrested by the Military  & taken to Mobile for trial, but wishes to know if the course he took was right.

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont April 2. 1866
Respectfully referred to Col Geo. D. Robinson, Supt B.R.F. & A.L. Mobile.
C. Cadle Jr
Bt Col & A.A.G.

122   B.R.F. & A.L.   1866
Endorsement on application of Barna McKinne, Atty at Law. March 28. 1866 for the privilege of bail for James Adams and Joshua Adams citizens of Alabama.

Hd Qrs Dept of Alabama
Mobile. Ala. March 31st 1866
Respectfully returned. These men may be released under bail, provided they can give before the U.S. Dist Attorney sufficient bonds for their appearance to satisfy Maj Gen Swayne, Asst Coms'r of the Freedmen's Bureau at Montgomery.
By order of Bt Maj Gen C. R. Woods
Fred Wilson
Bt Lt Col & A.A.G.

Hd Qrs Dist of Montgy
Montg. April 1st 1866
Respectfully referred to Maj Gen W. Swayne for his decision 
Col 58th Ill. Infry
Bt Brig Gen
Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.

Transcription Notes:
Q.M. = Quartermaster. Y.M. Rabb - Young M. Rabb is his name. Barna McKinne is truly the person's name. Several records found online.