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order of the Secretary of War of Nov 11, 1865 enclosed herewith.
It is respectfully requested of Capt Whitsel that he order this horse turned over to the party from whom it was taken if compatible with his views on the subject. C. Cadle Jr

126   B.R.F. & A.L.   1866
Endorsement on the application of Mrs Charlotte Bolling (Cold) & Mrs Eliza Fauntleroy (Cold) Montgomery, March 15, 1866, requesting transportation for themselves and six children each to Ft Monroe Va., 

War Department R.F. & A.L. 
Washington, March 24, 1866
Respectfully referred to Bt Maj Genl Swayne, Asst Commissioner, to know if the Govt by granting this transportation, will relieve itself from supporting these persons
By order of Maj Gen Howard, Comsr
C.H. Howard
Bt Brig Gen & A.A.A.G.

Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont April 1866
Respectfully returned. These people are supporting themselves and are not likely to become a burden on the Government
C. Cadle Jr
Bt Col & A.A.G.
(The asst Coms'r being absent)

127   B.R.F. & A.L.   1866


Endorsement on communication of Thos. M. Mosely Huntsville March 20, 1866, enclosing copy of special pardon & requests restoration of House and lot in Huntsville, Ala. now in possession of the Bureau. 

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont, April 9. 1866
Respectfully returned to be forwarded through the Supt at Huntsville.
C. Cadle Jr
Bt Col & A.A.G.

128   B.R.F. & A.L.   1866
Endorsement on com'n of Lt. S. Smith Asst. Supt. Tuskegee April 7, 1866, asking for information in a case in which three horses are in dispute between Wm Shirah (Cold) and W.W. Jones of Macon Co., Ala. 

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont. April 9, 1866
Respectfully returned to Lt S. Smith Asst Supt R.F. & A.L. Examine into and decide on this case.
C. Cadle Jr
Bt Col & A.A.G.

129   B.R.F. & A.L.   1866
Endorsement on Report of Sick & Wounded Refugees & Freedmen for the month of February  1866, transmitted by Charles J. Kipp Surg. in Chief B.R.F. & A.L. March 36 1866.
Ref'd by Caleb W. Horner, Ch'f Medl Officer to Maj Gen O.O. Howard Coms'r Mch 30 1866
Ref'd by Maj Gen Howard, Coms'r, to Bt. Maj Gen

Transcription Notes:
com'n = communication Maj Gen O.O. Howard - the (head) Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Land