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88 134 B. R. F. & A L 1866 Endorsement on application of Chas M Mosley Esq enclosing copy of special pardon & requesting that his house & lot in the city of Huntsville may be away returned to him by this Bureau Office Asst Commissioner B. R. F. & A. L. Montgomery, April 20th 1866 Respectfully returned to Col J B Callis Supt R. F. & A. L. who will take measures to procure a house to move this school into so that Mr. Mosely can be given possession of his house. By order of Bt Maj Genl W Swayne (Sgd) C Cadle Jr A A General 135 B. R. F. & A. L. 1866 Endorsement on (application or) letter of Major Jno D Wilkins Prov Mar Mobile stating that he has turned over (3) three Bales Cotton abandoned to the Bureau. Office Asst Commissioner B. R. F. & A. L. Montgomery April 20th 1866 Respectfully returned to Col G. A. Washburn Supt R. F. & A. L. Mobile Ala This office does not desire to have anything to do with Cotton and Col Washburn will not recuse this. It can be turned over by the Prov Martial to the US treasury agent J M Tomeny. By order of Brt Maj Genl Wager Swayne Sd C Cadle Jr A A Genl 89 136 B. R. F. & A. L. 1866 Endorsement on application of Lt A Grobler A A Q M at Gainesville Ala. for information as to whom the Govt buildings at Gainesville shall be transferred. Also giving a rough valuation of the same Office Asst Commissioner B. R. F. & A. L. Montgomery Ala April 20th 1866 Brevet Major C W Pierce Supt R. F. & A. L. at Demopolis Ala will receipt to Lt A Grobler 34th NJ Vols & A AQM for the within property By Order of Brt Major Genl Wager Swayne Sig'd C Cadle A.A. Genl 137 B. R. F. & A. L. 1866 Endorsement on application of E. C. Branch who asks permission to hold a "Fair" in one of the rooms of the Medical College at Mobile for two days also wishes to retain the room for school purposes in future. Office Asst Commissioner B. R. F. & A. L. Montg Ala April 20th 1866 Respectfully referred to Lt Col G. A. Washburn Supt B. R. F. & A. L. Mobile Ala who will instruct Mr Branch to allow the Medical College to be used as within requested and hereafter not allow it to be used for any but the legitimate school purposes By Order of Bt Maj Genl Wager Swayne Sgd C Cadle Jr A A G
Transcription Notes:
most words w/ question marks are names
Surname Mosley is also spelled Mosely
The rank and name "Brevet Major General Wager Swayne"confirmed through independent research ("brevet" was an honorary rank not accompanied by a raise in pay)