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90 138 B R F & A L 1866 Endorsement on application of Mr. O D Sledge to have 80$ rent of his house Paid by himself refunded to him or by Mr Goodfellow or this Bureau Office Asst. Commissioner B.R.F. A.L Montgomery Ala April 23d 1866 Respectfully returned to Col J B Callis Supt R F & A L who will examine into this case and if Mr Goodfellow has the amt asked for by Mr. Sledge in his possession he will direct him to pay it to Mr Sledge. If Mr Goodfellow did not retain it Col Callis will make an estimate for the estimate for the amt. and pay it when received. Return this paper with action noted. By order of, Bt Major Genl W Swayne O D Kinsman A A G 139 B R F & A L 1866 Endorsement on application of S. H. Moore's to have measures taken to compell Freedmen at Huntsville to accept employment when offered them also states that Freedmen at Huntsville who are drawing rations from the Gov't will not work when the same is offered them at fair compensation Office Asst Commissioner B R F & A L Montgomery Ala April 23d 1866 Respectfully referred to Col J B Callis Asst Supt R F & A L for investigation & report By Order of Bt Maj Gen'l W Swayne Sg'd O D Kinsman A A G 91 140 B.R.F. & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on Statement of C.S. McConnerd Judge Probate Sumpter Co, of actual number of destitute in Sumpter Co. and asks for an "account allowance of rations.' Office Asst Comsr B of RF & AL Montg Ala April 24th 1866 Respectfully returned to Lt Col G A Washburn Asst Supt B.R.F. & A.L. a temporary increase of rations is authorized in Sumpter Co when it is actually necessary By Order of Bt Maj Gen Wager Swayne Sgd O. D. Kinsman AAG 141 B.R.F. & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on letter of Capt W A Pollon Asst Supt at Mobile, who acknowledges the recovery of last Horses & receipt of letter explaining the manner in which they were lost. Office Asst Comsr B.R.F. & A.L. Montgomery Ala April 24th 1866 Respectfully returned to Lt Col G N Washburn Acct Supt BRF & AL, with the inquiry as to what action is desired in this Coms By Order of Bt Maj Genl Wager Swayne AS O D Kinsman AAG 142 B.R.F. & A.L. 1866 Endorsement on communication of W H Slaughter of Baldwin Co Ala who asks for protection against parties who declare against Freedmen farming on shares or for themselves & threaten former entering into contracts. Recites case in point where mules have been forcibly taken over
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