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15   District of Alabama    1866
Endorsement on letter of Capt W.H.H. Peck Capt and Asst. Supt. R.F. and A.L. dated Tuscalosa June 13, 1866 "States that he is entirely out of breadstuffs and requests that if more are to be sent, it be done immediately

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 18, 1866

Respectfully referred to Capt. W. C. Arthur, C. S
By order of
My Gen Wager Swayne
(Signed) O D Kinsman
A. A. Genl.

16   District of Alabama    1866
Endorsement on letter of D K Bennett dated Columbus, Ga., June 15, 1866 "requests situation as teacher of colored school in this city. States that he has had fifteen years experience."

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 18, 1866.

Respectfully referred to C. W. Buckley, Supt. of Education
By order of
My. Gen. Wager Swayne
(Signed) O D Kinsman
A. A. General

17 District of Alabama 1866
Endorsement on letter of Mrs M. A. Graham, Columbus Ga. June 14, 1866, "states that she is entirely destitute and requests transportation to Mobile, Ala"

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 1818

Respectfully referred to Capt. Fred Mosebach A.S.A. Com at Columbus, Ga. for investigation into this case, with the request that he 


will forward to these Head Quarters such facts in regard to it as he may become possessed of.
By order of 
Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
(Signed) O D Kinsman
A. A. Genl.

18   District of Alabama   1866
Endorsement on letter of R. Brinkerhoff, Col and Depot Q M, dated Quartermasters Dept, Cincinnati Ohio May 25, 1866 "States that he has paid to Thomas J. Gibson Thirty Dollars ($30) for the apprehension of James Mills a musician of Co "H" 3d Batt. 15th Infty.

Head Quarters Dept of the South
Macon, June 15, 1860

Respectfully referred to the Commanding Officer 15th N. S. Infty Mobile, Ala. thro Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama. 
By Command of
Bvt Maj. Gen Woods
A. Ramsey Nininger
A. A. G.

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 18, 1866

Respectfully referred to Commdg Officer 15th U.S. Infantry, Mobile, Ala.
By Order of 
Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne
(Signed) O D Kinsman
A. A. Genl.

19   District of Alabama   1866
Endorsement on Certificate of H. J. Phillips, Asst Surgeon U.S.A. in charge of Post Hospital, Mobile, Ala. May 28, 1866 in the case of Private Joseph Smith Co "B." 1st Balt. 15th U.S. Infty.

Transcription Notes:
Googled Capt Fred Mosebach Columbus Ga - is correct