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of Co. "A" 1" Batt, 15 US. Infty, and Private James Connors of Co H. 1" Batt US Infty.

Headquarters, Dist. of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala June 28 1866

Respectfully forwarded
O D Kinsman
Bvt Major and AA Gen
(The Maj. Gen Comdg being absent)

43   District of Alabama   1866
Endorsement on letter of Edward M K Hudson Major 15 Inft Comdg Mt Vernon Arsenal, June 24 1866 "Transmitting Proceedings of a Garrison Court Martial convened at this place by his order, a requests that they be forwarded with this letter to Hd Qrs Dept. of the South, giving reasons for the same &c &c

Headquarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery June 28 1866
Respectfully forwarded 
O D Kinsman
Bvt Major and Act Genl
(The Major Gen Comdg being absent)

44   District of Alabama   1866
Endorsement on letter of Geo H. Tracy, Capt 15 US Infty Bvt Major USA Commdg Co F, 1" Batt, transmits description list with acct pay and clothing of Private Connor of his Company who in his opinion is insane, and respectfully request that the soldier may be sent to the Government asylum] for the Insane at Washington.
Head Quarters Dept of Alabama 
Montgomery June 29 1866
Respectfully Forwarded 
O D Kinsman
Maj & AAG.
(The Maj Gen Comdg being absent)


45   Dist. of Alabama    1866
Endorsement on letter of M A Parry, Amer. Freeds and Comn Chicago Ills June 18 1866, "Requests that a child (col'd) now living in Mobile, may be restored to its mother, who is in Chicago.

Head Qrs Dist of Alabama
Montgomery June 30 1866

Respectfully referred to Capt L J Whiting
Act. Supt. who will ascertain and report
the facts in this case

By order of
Maj. Genl Wager Swayne
O D Kinsman
A A Genl.

46   Dist. of Alabama   1866
Endorsement on Com Geo H Tracy Capt 15th Infty Bvt. Maj. USA Comdg Co F. 1" Batt. Mt Vernon Arsenal June 24" 1866.  Reports facts concerning pirates Wm H Cooke Co F 1" Batt, 15th Infy escaped from military person at Mobile Ala while confined under charges of desertion.

Head Qrs Dist of Alabama
Montgomery June 30 1866

Respectfully Forwarded
Wager Swayne
Major General

47   Dist of Alabama  1866
Endorsement on Com. of Joseph Logan, 2d Lieut VRC & AAQM, Mobile June 27 1866 applies for leave of absence for twenty (20) days with privilege of applying for the ten (10) more for reasons shown within.

Head Qrs Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 30 1866

Respectfully forwarded approved
Wager Swayne Maj Genl