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Office B.R.F. & A L. Dist No. Ala
May 31. 1867
Respectfully returned to O.D. Kinsman Sub. Asst Comr. - attention invited to endorsement of J.N. Green Bureau Agent at Tuscumbia. Which endorsement is thought to be right and just toward both parties.
(sd) Jno. B. Callis 
Bt. Bg. Gen. U.S.V. S.A.C. &c
Respectfully returned to Bt. Bg. Gen. J.B. Callis S.A. Comr. Huntsville Ala. - It is not deemed advisable to interfere in this case.
By order of Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne
(sd) O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Comr.
June 19. 1867 

[[left margin]] Head qrs Dist. Ala 178 [[/left margin]]
D. 28. Endorsement on communication from Dodge & McLellan.
Referred June 4. 1867 from War Dep A.G.O. - to Bt. Maj. Gen'l. Jno Pope Comdg 3d Mily. District. for his action under circular from A.G.O. Sept. 22. 1865. copy enclosed - Attention invited to enclosed memoranda from the Rolls, in the cases of Turner Curly, Washington Curly  & Peter Carr.-
By order of the Secretary of War
(sd) C.W. Foster
A.A. Genl. Vols.
Head qrs. 3d Mily. Dist. Atlanta Ga. June 15. 1867
Respectfully referred to Gen'l. Swayne. The only means of securing this mans pay seems to be compliance with orders 4. & 5. of printed Circular letter enclosed, of which he can better be notified through your Headquarters. It would seem to be necessary for him to deliver himself into the hands of the military authority and stand a trial, in order to establish the facts in the case.
By command of Bt. Maj. Gen. John Pope
(sd) G.K. Sanderson
Asst 33d U.S. Infy A.A.A.G.
Respectfully referred to Bt. Brig. Genl. J.B. Callis. S.A.C. Huntsville Ala. - for transmission to Turner Curly
By order of Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne
(sd) O.D. Kinsman
Sub  Asst Comr
June 19. 1867


[[left margin]] Head qrs. Dist Ala 179. [[/left margin]]

M 79. Endorsement upon Communication from Lt. Col. Chas. H. Morse 117. U.S.C.T.
Referred, Galveston Texas June 10/67
by Bt. Maj. Genl. Chas. Griffin U.S.A. Asst. Comr. Texas, to Asst Comr. Ala. with request that every endeavor may be made to find this freed boy Timothy.

Respectfully referred to Lt. Geo. Shorkley 15th U.S. Infy. Sub Asst Comr. Selma Ala. who will endeavor to find the boy Timothy within mentioned
By order of Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
(sd) O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Comr.
June 19. 1867

[[left margin]] Head qrs. Dist. Ala 180 [[/left margin]]

C. 159 Endorsement on communication from Jno. A. Clark.
Respectfully referred to W.C. Arthur Actg. Comsr of Subsistence B.R.F & A.L. Montgomery Ala.
By order of Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
(sd) O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Comr
June 19. 1867

[[left margin]] Head qrs Dist. Ala 181 [[/left margin]]

G. 85 Endorsement on Communication from T.H. Goodfellow
Respectfully referred to Bt. Brig. Genl. J.B Callis. S.A.C. Huntsville Ala. for investigation and report.
By order of Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
(sd) O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Comr.
June 19. 1867

[[left margin]] Head qrs Dist. Ala. 182. [[/left margin]]

B. 213 Endorsement on communication from D.N.O Bradford.
Respectfully referred to Bt. Br. Gen'l. J.B. Callis. Sub Asst. Comr. for such action as on investigation may be found necessary
By order of Maj. Gen'l. Wager Swayne
(sd) O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Comr
June 19. 1867