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[[left margin]] Hd. Qrs. Dist Ala 183 void. [[/left margin]]

K. 57.
O. 157.
Endorsement on Communication from Wm P. King ditto from Abram Owens
Respectfully referred (by mapper) & Maj. Gen Geo. W. Thomas U.S.A Commanding Department of the Cumberland 
(ed) Wager Swayne
June 19, 1867 Maj Genl. Comdg.

[[left margin]] Hd. Qrs. Dist Ala void- see Mily End.-[[/left margin]]

G.86 Endorsement on Inspection Reports of subsistence stores for which Bt. Capt. Joseph Groves V.R.C. is responsible–
Office a.a.l.G 3' Mily. District.
Atlanta Ga. June 15. 1867
approved:- The within named stores will be disposed of as recommended by the Inspector.
By command of Bt. Maj. Gen'l Pope.
(ed.) Cder. M.K. Hudson
Bt. Lt. Col. & .a.a.l.G
Respectfully returned and attention invited to endorsement from Head qrs. 3" Mily. Dist.
By order of Maj Gen'l Wager Swayne
(ed) D.H. Williams
Bt.Lt.4bt a.r.Infy a.a.a.q.

[[left margin]]Hd. Qrs Dist of Ala 183 [[/left margin]]

M80 Endorsement on letter of John T Morgan & others
Respectfully transmitted to the Gov. of Ala. and recommended to his favorable consideration.
Wager Swayne
Maj General
June 20

[[left margin]]Hd. Qrs Dist of Ala 184 [[/left margin]]

M81 Endorsement on letter of John T Morgan
Respectfully transmitted to the Gov of Ala and recommended to his favorable consideration.
Wager Swayne
Major Genl.
June 20. 1867

[[left margin]]Hd. Qrs Dist of Ala 185 [[/left margin]]

J11 Endorsement on letter of Taylor Jackson & others
Respectfully referred to Bvt Brig Genl J B. Callis S.A.C. for Report
By order of Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O D Kineman
June 20. 1867 Sub Asst. Commr.

[[left margin]] Hd. Qrs Dist of Ala 186 [[/left margin]]

S191 Endorsement on letter of C.C. Sherman  M. D.
Office Sub Asst Commr Mobile Ala June 18 1867:
Respectfully returned  thro Asst Commr. Montgomery Ala
The within named Joseph Bick is a loyal Refugee and comes within existing orders authorizing transportation.
Geo K Tracy
Capt 15" Inft Bvt Maj. U.S.A. S.A.C.
Respectfully returned to Maj Genl O.O. Howard, Commr. &c
with endorsed report of Sub Asst Comm. at Mobile. Ala.
Wager Swayne
June 20. 1867 Maj Genl & Asst Commr

[[left margin]]Hd. Qrs Dist of Ala 187 [[/left margin]]

y18 Endorsement on letter of G.T. Yelverton
Respectfully referred to W.E. Connelly Sub Asst Commr Eufaula Ala for Report
By order of Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O D Kinsman 
June 20. 1867 Sub Asst Commr.

[[left margin]]Hd. Qrs Dist of Ala 188 [[/left margin]]

C166 Endorsement on letter of Joshua Coffee
Office Sub Asst Commr. Huntsville Ala June 19 1867
Respectfully forwarded to O.D. Kinsman S.A.C. with the recommendation that transportation be furnished for the within named colored girl from Florence to the Insane Hospital at Tuscaloosa Ala
as requested by Mr. Coffee
Jno. B. Callis
Ast Brig Genl. & Sub Asst Commr.
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl O.O. Howard Commr &c with the endorsement of the Sub Asst Commr at Huntsville approved.
Wager Swayne
June 25. 67 Maj Genl & Asst Commr.

[[left margin]] Hd. Qrs Dist of Ala 189 [[/left margin]]

P.75 Endorsement on letter of Capt W.H.H. Peck
Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj. Genl Abram C. Gillim U.S.A Asst Commr. for Miss with the request
that information as to the present residence and condition of the child Phillis Gregory may be sent to this office
Wager Swayne
June 25. 67 Maj Genl & Asst Commr.

Transcription Notes: 188 likely refers to Bryce Hospital