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[[Left Margin]] Hd Qrs District of Ala 199 [[/Left Margin]]
M 82   Endorsement on letter of JF McGogy
Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj GF Browning U.S.V. chf Q.M. B.R.F & A L ala for his remarks
By order of Maj Gen Wager Swayne
D H Williams
1st Lieut 21st Inft, A.A.A.G.
June 26. 67

[[Left Margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Ala 200 [[/Left Margin]]
C170 Endorsement on letter of Elviria Cochran
Respectfully referred to Robt T Smith Sub Asst Comm Opelika Ala for inquiry and report as to this case being one deserving of special relief.
By order of Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O D Kinsman
Sub Asst Comm
June 26.1867      

[[Left Margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Ala 201 [[/Left Margin]]
H 143 Endorsement on letter of JR Henly 
Respectfully referred to Robt. T. Smith Sub Asst Commr. Opelika Ala
By order of Maj Genl Wager Swayne
1" Lieut.41st Infty A.A.A.G.
June 26, 1867 

[[Left Margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of ALa 202 [[/Left Margin]]
T48 Endorsement on letter of Bat Maj G H. Tracy Respectfully returned with the recommendation of Bvt Maj G.H.Tracy Ins. B.R.F & A.L. Mobile Ala approved
By order of Maj Genl Wager Swain 
O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr
 June 26, 1867   

[[left margin]] Head Qr Dist of Ala 203 [[/left margin]]
c 172 Endorsement on letter of Bvt Brig Genl Jno B. Callis. Respectfully fowarded to Maj Genl O O Howard Comms &c Washington D.C. 
Wager Swayne
Maj Genl & Asst Commis.
June 28' 1867

[[left margin]] Head Qrs Dist of Ala 204 [[/left margin]] 
T51  Endorsement  on letter of R A Taylor. Respectfully referred to C W Buckley Supt of Education Ala
By order of
Maj Genl Wager Swayne
OD Kinsman
Sub Asst Commis
June 28' 1867

[[left margin]] Head Qrs Dist of Ala 205[[/left margin]] 
B219 Endorsement on letter of  E C Branch. Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj C. W Pierce S. A. Commr Demopolis Ala for his action
By order of Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O D Kinsman 
Sub Asst Commis
June 28' 1867

[[left margin]] Head Qrs Dist of Ala 206 
 [[/left margin]] 
P76 Endorsement on letter of A.D. Pellicer
Hd Qrs Post of Mobile Ala June 25 1867
Respectfully forwarded to the head Quarters empowered to give orders in the case, which appears and is said to be one needing and requiring the assistance earned, by the worthy pastor A.D. Pellier in the absence of the Bishop.  This asylum for orphans makes no distinction in receiving inmates, and in these times stands in need of aid other than that, on which originally founded and therefor, it is recommended.
O S Shepherd
Col 15 Inft Bvt Brig Genl U G A Comdy post. 
Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj G. H. Tracy Sub Asst Commis Mobile Ala for report as to the condition of this establishment and whether the inmates are proper subjects for government relief.
By order of Maj Genl Wager Swayne
O D Kinsman
Sub Asst Comm
June 28'1867

[[left margin]] Head Qrs Dist of Ala 209 [[/left margin]]
P77 Endorsement on letter of W Pierce & others. Office Sub Asst Commer Mobile Ala June 26' 1867. Respectfully forwarded thro Asst comm. B.R.F & A S D of Ala. The Pettes Physicks within mentioned is a freedman apparently intelligent and deserving. He is greatly out of health and in very destitute circumstances and is liable to become a charge to the government. He thinks his health would improve and that he could get the employment he cannot find here, if he could be furnished transportation to Richmond.  My opinion is that he would be much better off if sent to his friends and that he would not then be an object of Govt charity which he is likely to become here. I therefore respectfully recommend that transportation be furnished him. 
Gen H Tracy
Capt 15 Inft Bvt Maj U.S.A. Sub Asst Comm.
Respectfully forwarded to Maj General O O Howard Comm &c Washington D.C. with recommendation of the Sub Asst Commr at Mobile Ala. Approved. (over)