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[[left margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Ala 218 [[/left margin]]
J12 Endorsement on letter of Bvt Maj Jno Jones
Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj Genl Alvan Gillim Asst Commr Miss. with the request that the whereabouts of this boy may be ascertained and that if possible he be induced to return to his mother.
Wager Swayne
Major General & A. Commr.
July 6 1867

[[Left Margin]] Hd Qrs Dist of Ala    219
[[/left margin]]
R29 Endorsement on letter of Safayette Robinson.
Respectfully referred to the Sub Asst Commr at Huntsville who will estimate $ per month for the within mentioned room from date of hiring to include the month of June. This rent will hereafter be included in the regular monthly estimate unless the bank can be accomodated in rooms already rented by the Govt.
By order of Maj Gen Wager Swayne
O D Kinsman
Sub Asst Commr. 
July 6 1867

[[left  margin]] Hdqr Dist. Ala     220  
[[/left margin]]
S223 Endorsement on letter from R.T. Smith sub asst. comm. Opelika  acknowledging receipt of 509 sacks of corn.- v Invoices receipts for 909 sacks shipped from Mobile. - inquiring what disposition is to be made of sum. Whether all for Lee Co. or to be divided between the co's of sub district.
Respectfully referred to K.W.C. Arthur, a.c.s. Dist. Ala.
By order of Maj. Gen'l Wager Swayne
Sub Asst Commr
July 8, 1867

[[left margin]] Hdqr dist. Ala 221. [[/left margin]]
H144 Endorsement on letter from C.M. Hooper. Crawford, requesting establishment of a school for freed children. -
Respectfully referred to C.W. Buckley Supt of Education. Dist. Ala. -
By order of Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
(sd)  O.D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Comr
July 8, 1867


[[left margin]] Hdqr Dist Ala 222 [[/left margin]]
B218 Endorsement on Communications from C.K Buckley Supt Education. ala. regarding transportation for Colored boy Wm L Carter from Mobile ala. to Oberlin to A. J. M. Ala and Genl. Supt. Headqt D.C. War Department B. R. F. AL
Docking for July 3' 1867

Respectfully referred to the Asst. Commr of Alabama for remarks. Will Gen. Swayne please instruct his Dept of schools that applications of this nature should be made to the Commissioner and thus, the Asst. Commr. 
By order of Maj. Genl. O. D. Howard
(sd) F.D. Serrall
Bt. Bg. Genl. & Actg. Asst. Adjt. Genl. 
Respectfully referred to C. W. Buckley, Dept of Education and attention invited to the endorsement of the Commissioner.
By order of Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
(sd) O.D. Kinsman
July 8. 1867 Sub Asst Commissioner 

[[left margin]] H. qrs. Dist Ala
223 [[//left margin]]
H146 Endorsement on communication from F. C. Hood. Asst Harris [[?]] [[Ga?]]. concerning application of Peter Smith (Freedman) who applies for the possession of his son, who is bound to Rogers of Alabama. Referred by Sub Asst Swayne Asst. Commr. Ala
Respectfully referred to Robert F. Smith Sub Asst Commr. B.R AL at Opelika Ala 
By order of Maj. Genl. Roger Swayne
(sd. O.D. Kinsman
July 8 1867 Sub Asst Commr

[[left margin]] Hd. Qrs. Dist Ala BR F. AL
224 [[/left margin]]
W83 Endorsement on communication from John M. May relative a new receipt of salary as teacher at Greensboro Ala.
Respectfully referred to C. W. Buckley Supt of Education. Dist of Ala.
By order of Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
(sd.) O.D. Kinsman
July 8. 1867 Sub Asst Commr.