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[[left margin]]Hd Qr Dist of Ala 562[[/left margin]]
H208  Endorsement on letter of Jno C Hendrix
Respectfully returned to Jno C Hendrix Sub Asst Commr Montgomery Ala Who will forward application for revocation of appointments of Mr Anderson as soon as his services can be dispensed with.
By order of
Bt Brig Genl J Hayden
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy Bt Maj USA
Feby 7 1868

[[left margin]]Hd Qr Dist of Ala 563[[/left margin]]
M121  Endorsement in letter of James F McGogy
Respectfully returned to James F McGogy Sub
Asst Comer Talladega Ala. Comdg Officer Past of Selma Ala is the proper Officer to apply to for this transportation.
By order of
Bt Brig Genl J Hayden
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy Bt Maj USA

[[left margin]]Office Asst Comm 564[[/left margin]]
M122  Endorsement in letter of John T Morgan
Executive Department Montgomery Feby 1 1868
Respectfully referred to Bvt Brig Genl Hayden
with request that Mr Williams be released from prison. I am decidedly of the opinion that his confinement is unjustifiable. If imbecile he should be sent to the insane ayslum. 
R M Patton
Governor of Alabama

[[left margin vertical]] Report file in letter "G" Feby 14 1868[[/left margin vertical]]
Head Qr Dist of Alabama Feby 7 1868
Respectfully referred to Bt Maj Gen Shorkley 15 Infy Sub Asst Commr B. R. F. & A..L. who will direct Dr Gray Act Surg in Chf to proceed to Selma and make a thorough Medical investigation as to the mental condition of the within named prisoner and report the result to these Head Quarters. Papers to be returned.
By order of Bt Brig Genl J Hayden
(sgd) S C Greene
Bt Maj U.S.A. AAAG
Respectfully referred to D.A.J. Gray Surg in
Chf B.R.F and A.L. State of Alabama accompanied by S. O. 13 Office Asst Commr State of Alabama 1868.

By order of
Bt Brig Genl J Hayden
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy Bt Maj USA
Feby 8. 1868

[[left margin]]Office Asst Commr Ala 565[[/left margin]]
M123  Endorsement on letter of J M Mooan 
Office and Asst Commr Greenville Ala Feby 7. 1868
Respectfully forwarded to Comdg Officer Past of Montgomery Ala.
(sgd) A. C. Taylor
2 Lieut 15 Infy Sub Asst Commr
Hd Qrs Past of Montgomery Ala Feby 8. 1868
Respectfully Forwarded
(sgd) E W Crittenden
Major 5 Cavalry Comdg Post
Respectfully returned to Lieut A. C. Taylor Sub Asst. Commr who will see that clothing and provisions are issued to the within named soldier of 1812 until further orders. He will make inquiry and furnish this office with all information that may be necessary in securing a pension under the act of Congress relating thereto.
By order of Bt Brig Genl J Hayden
Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy Bt Maj U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl
Feby 10.1868

[[left margin]] Office Asst Commr Ala 566[[/left margin]]
B262  Endorsement on letter of C. C. Bartlett
Respectfully referred to A Edwards Esq Registers &c requesting that he furnish this office the information asked for within at as early a day as practicable.
J. Hayden
Bt Brig Genl U.S.A.
Asst Commr.
Feby 10.1868

[[left margin]]Office Asst Commr Ala 567[[/left margin]]
K67  Endorsement on letter of O D Kinsman
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl O.O. 
Howard Commr &c Washington D.C. recommending that transportation be furnished the within named Dorcus Starke from Montgomery Ala to Warrenton N.C. She is over 60 years of age and has no relatives in Ala attention
is respectfully inverted to enclosed statement from  Mr. E. Morgan and of Eutaw Ala which is believed to be strictly correct.