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[[left margin]] State of Ala. B.R.F. &c 803 [[/left margin]] 
D.48 Endorsement on letter of E. A. Duncan A.S. in Chf
(see 792.) Sub dist. of Mobile Ala. Aug 13" 68
Respectfully returned through Hd. Qrs. B.R.F. and A.L. Dist of Ala. Attention invited to enclosed letter of G. W. Ulrick stating his willingness to care of Peter Ulrick
James Gillette
Bt. Maj U.S.A.
Respectfully returned to Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard Comr. &c. with attention invited to enclosed statement of J.W. Ulrick
Edwin Beecher
Bvt Lieut Col. U.S.V.
Asst Commissioner.
Aug 24" 68

[[left margin]] State of Ala. B.R.F. &c. 804 [[/left margin]] 
C.274 Endorsement on Letter of 1" Lieut Crawford 38" Infy. Sub. Dist of Huntsville, Huntsville Ala. Aug 22" 68.
Respectfully returned to the Asst Commissioner for Alabama with the information that the claimant in this case was erroneously advised. His discharge and Corporals warrant are on file in this office, awaiting disposition of claimant whose whereabouts was hitherto unknown. His application for bounty has never been made out. An application for execution by him is enclosed herewith. It should be returned to this office when completed. His warrant as corporal is also transmitted, as it is not necessary in the prosecution of his claim
D.C. Rugg. Sub Asst Comr.
Respectfully returned to Major General O.O. Howard Commissioner &c. Washington D.C. and attention invited to endorsement of D.C. Rugg Sub. Asst. Comr at Huntsville Ala.
Edwin Beecher.
Bvt. Lieut Col. U.S.V.
Asst. Commissioner
Aug 25 68


[[left margin]] State of Ala. B.R.F. &c 805 [[/left margin]] 
W.126 Endorsement on Letter of Lieut E.H. Weirman Sub Asst Comr
Respectfully referred to C.P. Wheeler Sub. Asst. Comr. Eufaula Ala. who is directed not to take any steps in the erection of this building until he hears from the Supt. of Education.
By order of Brvt. Lieut. Col. E. Beecher
Asst. Commissioner
G K Sanderson
Captain 33" Infantry
A.A.A. Genl.
August 25" 1868

[[left margin]] State of Ala. B.R.F. &c 806 [[/left margin]] 
G.156 Endorsement on Letter of Bvt. Maj. Gillette Sub. Asst. Cr. Sub Dist of Forest Miss. August 8" 1868
Respectfully returned to Bvt. Major S.C. Green A.A.A. General &c with remarks that I have this day received an answer from Mr Butler in relation to the within named freedman being supplied with a home by him.
Mr Butler states that he will hire the woman and pay her as much as she is worth to him provided she comes immediately, without incumbrances.
Transportation is not recommended in this case.
Geo W Corliss
Sub. Asst. Com.
Respectfully returned to Lieut E. H. Weirman Sub. Asst. Commissioner at Mobile Ala. disapproved.
By order of Brvt. Lieut. Col. E. Beecher
Asst Commissioner
G K Sanderson
Captain 33" Infantry
A.A.A. Genl.
August 25" 1868

[[left margin]] State of Ala. B.R.F. &c 807 [[left margin]] 
Endorsement on Bill of Oscar M. Ware, Florence Ala.
War Dept. B.R.F. &c. Washington. August 17" 68
Respectfully returned to Brvt. Brg. Genl. O. L. Shepherd Asst. Comr Alabama.
This bill can be paid as other bills are for repairs of School Buildings, out of the funds for "construction and repairs" But the account should be made out for School Buildings not Church.
By order of Major General O. O. Howard
E. Whittelsey A.A.A.G.
Respectfully referred to Mr D. C. Rugg Sub. Asst Comr at Huntsville Ala with the information that if the proper