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[[left margin]] State of Ala B.R.L.&c. 875[[left margin]]
B.326  Endorsement on letter of C. C. Bartlett L.A.B.
War Dept. B. R.F &c Washington Nov 9" 68
Respectfully returned to Bvt Lieut Col. E. Beecher Asst. Comms B. R. F. & A. L. for State of Ala. Montgomery Ala, with information that the 2nd Auditor of the Treasury does not require the sworn statement of officers in the settlement of clothing accounts of deceased soldiers. Such statement was required by the Paymaster General of the Army when claims of colored soldiers were settled by the department under his charge.
The amount due on clothing account can be obtained by the Auditor from the final statements furnished by the Commanding Officer of the Company to the Adjt. Genl. of the Army
All encourages due the soldier at the time of his death, will be paid to his proper heir upon application for same to the 2nd Auditor of the Treasury. Form of application herewith enclosed.
By order of Maj. Genl Howard Commissioner
William P. Drew Agent
Respectfully returned to C.C. Bartlett Sub. Asst. Commr. Selma Ala and attention called to endorsement of Mr. Drew. Agent in charge of Claim Division
Edwin Beecher.
Brvt Lieut Col. U.S.V.
Asst Commissioner

[[left margin]] State of Ala B.R.F.&c 876 [[left margin]]
G164 Endorsement on letter of S.S. Gardner,
War Dept. B. R. F. & A.L. Washington. Nov 13" 68
Respectfully returned to S.S. Gardner thru' Office Asst Comm. of Alabama, disapproved.
By order of Maj Genl. Howard.
F. D. Sewell. A. A. A. Genl
Respectfully returned to Mr. S.S. Gardner. and attention called to endorsement from War Dept of the 13" inst.
Edwin Beecher.
Brvt Lieut Col. U.S.V.
Asst. Commissioner


[[left margin]] State of Ala B.R.F &c 877 [[left margin]] 
L312 Endorsement on letter of John H. Sullivan Agent &c Sub. Dist Opelika B.R.F. & A.L. November 16" 1868
Respectfully returned to Brvt. Lieut. Col. Edwin Beecher Asst Commissioner of Ala. The Records of this office show that the affidavit of Aggie McWhorter was sent from this office to the Probate Judges of Chambers Co on the 6th of Aug 68 for information since which times it has not been heard from. Mr Wilson's dead and I have not been able to ascertain the whereabouts of the Col. boy referred to in the within communication
D. B. Smith Sub. Asst. Commr.
Respectfully returned to Brvt. Col. J. R. Lewis U. S. A. Asst. Commissioner State of Georgia, and attention invited to endorsement of D. B. Smith Sub. Asst. Commr Opelika Ala 
Edwin Beecher.
Brvt. Lieut Col. U. S. V.
Asst. Comm.
November 20" 68

[[left margin]] State of Ala B.R.F. &c 878 [[left margin]] 
M155 Endorsement on letter of Col. Morrow. Secty.
War Dept. B.R.F. and A.L. Washington Nov 14" 68
Respectfully returned to the Assistant Commissioner of Ala. who will pay Mr Wright for his service in this Bureau upon his filing the oath prescribed by law.
By order of Maj. Genl. Howard.
F.D. Sewall A.A.A. Genl
Respectfully referred to R.A. Wilson Sub. Asst. Commissioner Demopolis, Ala, with reference to endorsement from the Commissioner of the 14" inst.
These papers to be returned.
Edwin Beecher.
Brvt. Lieut Col U.S.V
Asst. Commissioner
November 31" 1868

Transcription Notes:
Uncertain on many letters/words.