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4 State of Ala Bur. R F &c 5. L.1 Endorsement on letter of Joseph Logan W.D. B.R.F. & A.L. Washington Feb 28" 69 Respectfully referred to Brvt Lieut Col. Edwin Beecher Asst Comr. B.R.F. & A.L for orders together with report. Copies of all orders (duly certified) affecting this case are required. Papers to be returned with report. By order of Brvt Maj Genl. O.O. Howard Commissioner Henry M. Whittelsey Chf Q.M. B.R.F. &c. Respectfully returned to Brvt Maj Genl. O.O. Howard, Commissioner &^c Washington D.C. The enclosed copy of the records of this office, shows that Lieut Logan received from Lieut Buffum on the 18"! day of May 1867, 600 lbs of Bacon and that on the 10" day of September 67 he had accounted for all the Bacon that he had received. Copy of orders mentioned within not on file in this Office Asst Commissioner March 4" 69 State of Ala. B.R. &c 6 P.1. Endorsement on letter of Mr. Patrick Montgomery Ala. Mar 4" 69 Respectfully returned to Edwin Beecher Asst Comr. with the following statement Mr Patrick has never called upon me for his transportation, although repeatedly notified (twice in writing) that it was ready; that he could have it at any time, by calling and receipting for the same; and has been retained against orders, to forward all unclaimed transportation to Washington, to show Mr Patrick that there was no wish to deprive him of his dues. H.M. Bush Asst Supt. Respectfully returned to Brvt Maj Genl. O.O. Howard Commissioner &c Washington D.C. I have no knowledge of Mr Patrick 5 ever calling at my office for the transportation. I directed Capt Bush to have it prepared, which I am satisfied was done in proper time, and was not issued because Mr Patrick failed to give the receipt required. All assertions of his relative to annoy and defraud him were unknown to me, and I believe gratuitous on his part and without foundation. I directed Capt Bush some time ago to notify Mr Patrick that unless called for by a certain day the transportation would be returned to Washington Asst Commissioner Mar 4" 69 State of Ala B.R.F.&c 7 P.2 Endorsement on letter of Mr Putnam Respectfully referred to Brvt Maj Genl. O.O. Howard Commisioner &c Washington D.C As such a large amount has already been appropriated to this Institute by the Bureau, I do not think it my duty to grant this request without instructions from you. Asst Commissioner March 10" 69 State of Ala B.R.F &c 8 H.3 Endorsement on letter of Mrs A.V. Hewlett Respectfully referred to Jno H. Wager Asst Supt. Huntsville Ala. for investigation and report. The Bureau has no control over the Peabody fund, but if the school mentioned within is a colored school, and in a good locality the Bureau may assist them. Asst. Commissioner