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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 10th 66 37 | Abrams J. R. & H L | Letter forwarded by J. F. McGogy in reference to two buildings rented by the Bureau at Greenville Ala. |

| July 30th 66 38 | Anonymous. | Decatur Ala, July 23 of 1866 Reports the case of a White man named Cook murdering a negro somewhere between Danville and Summerville. Nothing has been done with Cook. |

| Sept. 11th 66 39 | Adams K. O. | Selma Ala. Sept 10th. 1866 States that he has concluded to take a school has engaged a school house, and over thirty scholars, &c | 

| Apl. 25th 67 46 | Anonymous | Selma Ala. Mch 25th 67 Charges Bvt. Captain Joseph Graves, William Redpath his Clerk and AA Surgeon J. W. Buckholder with fraudulent disposition of QM and G.S. stores, and the frauds specified. | 

| Apl 29th 67 47 | Arthur W C Inspector and Agent | States that he visited Mobile in accordance with SO No 4 Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Ala, to Inspect a lot of Corn said to be damaged and makes report on it. | 

| May 13th 67 52 | Archer W H | Hokes Bluff May 8th. 1867 States tat the order of Judge Standifer binding Clayburne Littlefield was dated July 1866. He also states that a family of freedmen hired themselves to Alex Jones who discharged them at the end of the year and refused to pay them for their labor. |

| May 29th 67 54 | Ayrasdick Bill | Cransboro Co Ala. May 22nd 1867. States that he is in jail for adultery and wants to get out. Endorsing letter signed by J. T. Stephens John West and others. | 

| Sept 7th 67 55 | Alabama, Wager Swayne Asst. Com'r E & M 345 | Montgomery, Ala. Aug" 26th. 1867 Requests that an appointment at $175, per month, be granted to W C Aurhur, who is acting as C.S for the Bureau in Alabama. | 

| Oct 7th 67 56 | Alabama. O. D. Kinsman SAC E and M 398 | Montgomery, Ala. Sept. 28th 1867 Requests appointment of G A Farrand as Agt. of the Bureau at salery of $100. per month, also requests appt. of M Rolfe as Clerk at salery of $80 per month, Forwarded to Genl Howard |