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[[3 columned table]]
| When received. | NAME. | DATE AND PURPORT OF LETTER. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 23. 1868. 69. | Arthur W.C. Chf Q.M. Bureau &c.  E & M 730. | Montgomery Ala May 21. 1868. Transmits Special Requisition for Means of Transportation. | 

|June 17. 70 | Abrams J.R. | Greensville Ala June 16. 1868. States that he purchased from the Gov't (Bureau) a building and lot, that a small portion of said lot did not belong to the property, and the owners of this portion have built a fence cutting off part of the building- Asks assistance in the premises. |

|July 18 71 |Adams C.W. | Clyde Ohio July 8. 1868 Makes application for transportation for a Colored boy 8 years old from Montg. to Sandusky Ohio &c &c Referred to Supt of Education July 17 1868 |

|Oct 22" 68 72 | Adams F.T. 1st Lieut 33rd Infantry A.A.A Genl. E & M. 858 | H'd Qrs. Dist of Ala. Huntsville Ala Oct 16 "68 Enquires on what authority the issues have formerly been made to the Bur. R.F & A.L. for use in Soup Kitchens and what officer of the Bureau signed the Provision Returns, on which said issues were made. |

Nov 5" 68 73 | Arthur W.C. Chf Q.M. B. R.F. &c | Montgomery Ala Nov 5 "68 Tenders his resignation as Chf Qr. Mr. Bur. R.F. and A.L. State of Alabama to take effect Nov 10 "68 Forwarded to Commissioner Nov 5 "68|

Transcription Notes:
group by columns, as 1st entry on page