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[[8 columned table]]
| No | Name | Place | Date | When Rec'd| Contents | Reference | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 427 | Johnson Isaac M. | Union Springs Ala | July 16th 67 | July 19th 67 | Gives circumstances of case in which he is ordered to appear before Co Crim Court |   |   |
| 428 | 398 B.B. |   |   | July 19th 67 | Returned with endorsement of Lt. Shorkley S.A.C. at Selma |   |   |
| 429 | Connelly H.E. Sub Asst Comr | Eufaula. Ala | July 15th 67 | July 19th 67 | Statement relative to the shooting of Daniel Webster |   |   |
| 430 | Mordy Thos. J. Post Master | Round Pond, St Clair Co. Ala | July 13th 67 | July 19th 67 | States that the freedmen in his neighborhood are being much abused |   |   |
| 431 | McGogy Jas. F. Sub Asst Comr | Centre, Cherokee Co. Ala | July 17th 67 | July 19th 67 | Reports progress of Registration |   |   |
| 432 | Whittlesey Bvt Brig Genl H.M. Chf Qr Mr | Washington D.C. | July 15th 67 | July 19th 67 | States that action in Bvt Capt P.E. O'Connors case referred to in communication of [[?Maj]] [[?]] is Ans |   |   |
| 433 | 274 Letter Book |   |   | July 19th 67 | Relieved with Bvt Brig Genl Sewall's endorsement. |   |   |
| 434 | Paulding Wm. K. | Uniontown Ala | July 3d 67 | July 19th 67 | Complains of interference of Maj. Pierce with the duties of Pro' Judge of his County |   |   |
| 435 | Peck Capt. W.H.H. Sub Asst Comr | Greenville Ala | July 17th 67 | July 20th 67 | Forwards Reports of Rations issued to Freedmen & Refugees for June 67 |   |   |
| 436 | 228 B.B. Peck Capt. W.H.H. Sub Asst Comr | Greenville Ala | June 24th 67 | July 20th 67 | Writes in reference to a col'd child named Phillis Gregory |   |   |
| 437 | Blair Robt Sub Asst Comr | Tuscaloosa Ala | July 18th 67 | July 20th 67 | Transmits Requisitions for Stationery |   |   |
| 438 | Adams 1st Lt F.T. | Selma Ala | July 16th 67 | July 20th 67 | Forwards copy of Proceedings of Board of Survey |   |   |
| 439 | Fyrce A.C. | Eutaw Ala | July 18th 67 | July 20th 67 | Requests that he be app't'd Agent of the Bureau. |   | Two (2) Enclosures |