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[[8 Columned Table]]
| No. | Name | Place | Date | When Rec'd |Contents | Reference | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 440 | Pelters and Dawson | Selma Ala | July 18" 67 | July 20" 67 | Request release from Penitentiary of John Admis (White) & Mona (col'd) convict'd of adultery |   |   |
| 441 | Groves Bvt Capt Joseph V.R.C. | Selma Ala | July 18" 67 | July 20" 67 | States he has rec'd order mustering him out & late an order fearing him & arrest - asks instructions |   |   |
| 442 | Peck Capt W. H. H. Genl Asst Comr | Greenville Ala | July 20" 67 | July 22" 67 | Explains of a communication having been sent direct to Mr Wright Cty Tax Collector &c |   |   |
| 443 | No 287 L.B. recd Back |   |   | July 22" 67 | Endorsement of Commissioner Applicants requested are enclosed |   |   |
| 444 | No 133 B.B. recd Back |   |   | July 22" 67 | Endorsement Bvt Maj John Jones Sub Asst Comm'r at Huntsville Ala |   |   |
| 445 | Hill Francis O. J. S. - M.O. | North Newburg ME | July 13" 67 | July 22" 67 | Requests apptm't as A.A. Surgn. S.A in Dist. of Ala. |   |   |
| 446 | No 396. B.B. rec'd back |   |   | July 22" 67 | Endorsement of Bvt Maj John Jones Actg S.A.C. Huntsville |   |   |  
| 447 | Fowler Wm. A.A Genl Claims Division | Washington DC | July 17" 67 | July 22" 67 | Transmits to Genl Callis blank affidavit required by 2d Auditor before E. King late |   |   |
| 448 | Tracy Bvt Maj Jno H S.A. Comm'r | Mobile Ala | July 19" 67 | July 22" 67 | Reports progress of Registration in his Sub District |   |   |
| 449 | Suydane Charles H. M.D. | Hopkins Turnout S.C. | July 18" 67 | July 22" 67 | Wishes to know if C. C. Bodger is every as A.A. Surg U.S.A. in Dist of Alabama |   |   |