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[[8 columned table]]
| No | Name | Place | Date | When Rec'd | Contents | Reference | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 474 | Cumming S.J. | Camden Wilcox Co | July 22d 67 | July 26th 67 | Reports flourishing condition of freedmen's Sunday Schools & asks for books |   |   |   |
| 475 | Raushenberg Ch's. Agt B.R.F.A.L. | Cuthbert Ga | July 19th 67 | July 26th 67 | Transmits acct of C. Jones, Col'd. vs Dr R.P. Hill of Union Springs Ala  |   |
| 476 | Callis Bvt Brig Genl J.B. Sub Asst Com'r | Huntsville Ala | July 23rd 67 | July 26th 67 | Sends Discharges & Applications for Bouty of S. Shadrack & M. Smithers Pvts. Co. "G" 101st U.S.C.T. |   |   |
| 477 | Rosecrans E.H. Late Lt 95th U.S. Infty | Salem Ala | July 22d 67 | July 26th 67 | Asks that a friend of his teaching at Smith's Station, Lee Co. be paid from Mch |   |   |
| 478 | Moultin J.L. | Union Springs Ala | Union Springs Ala | July 22d 67 | July 26th 67 | Asks for an order to bring a Freedman from Ga & preventing her being app't'ed without fathers approval |   |   |
| 479 | Pierce Bvt Maj C.W. Sub Asst Com'r | Demopolis Ala | July 24th 67 | July 26th 67 | Statement concerning suppression of Union League at Eutaw by the Marshal & his action |   |   |
| 480 | 487 B.B. Rec'd Back |   |   | July 26th 67 | Endorsement of Capt W.H.H. Peck Sub Asst Comm'r at Greenville Ala |   |   |
| 481 | Gardner S.S. Sub Asst Com'r | Greenville Ala |July 25th 67  | July 26th 67 | Reports an atrocious [[?]] of Freedmen in Butler County in May 1865. |   |   |
| 482 | McGogy J.F. Sub Asst Com'r | Talladega Ala | July 23rd 67 | July 26th 67 | Reports that he has commenced issuing of rations to destitute in Talladega Co. & has employed an issuing clerk |   |   |
| 483 | McGogy J.F. Sub Asst Com'r | Talladega Ala | July 23rd 67 | July 26th 67 | Reports progress of Registration in Gaine & St Clair Counties |   |   |
| 484 | 229-B.B. Rec'd Back |   |   | July 26th 67 | Endorsement of J.F. McGogy Sub Asst Com'r |   |   |
| 485 | McGogy J.F. Sub Asst Com'r | Talladega Ala | July 23rd 67 | July 26th 67 | Recommends that Dr. W.T. Ewing may supercede D.C. Turrentine as Agt B.R.F. & A.L. in Baine County |   |   |