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[[6 columned table]]
| No | Names | Place | Date | When recd | Contents | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 849 | Howell P | Washington DC. | Oct. 11th/67 | Oct 15th/67 | acknowledgement of claims for Bounty |
| 850 | Shorkley Geo. | Selma, Ala | Oct. 14th/67 | Oct. 15th/67 | Asks permission to visit Montgomery |
| 851 | Moore Cha's H. | Brownville, Tex | June 6th 1867 | Oct 15th/67 | Reports certain cases of freedmen. |
| 852 | Shorkley Geo. | Selma, Ala | Oct. 15th/67 | Oct. 16th/67 |Reports his action in the case of Tho's Arnett
| 853 | Coole R.W. | Movile, Ala | Oct. 14th/67 | Oct. 16th/67 | Responds to letter relative to yellow fever |
| 854 | Shorkley Geo. | Selma, Ala | Oct. 15th/67 | Oct. 16th/67 | Transmits Monthly Report for Sept. 1867 |
| 855 | Beely Geo. | Wetumpka, Ala | Oct. 14th/67 | Oct. 16th/67 | Misunderstanding regarding plantation &c |
| 856 | Blain Rob't | Tuscaloosa, Ala | Oct. 13th 1867 | Oct. 16th/67 | Statement regarding union prisoner |
| 857 | Booth P.H. & others | Demopolis, Ala | Oct. 11th 1867 | Oct. 16th/67 | Regarding P.H. Booths purchase of the Tulip Hill place. |
| 858 | Burton Pierce (for Sac) | Demopolis, Ala | Oct. 15th/67 | Oct. 17th/67 | Reports interviews of Ajt. of Marangaleo |
| 859 | McGogy James F | Talladega. Ala. | Oct. 15th/67 | Oct. 17th/67 | Makes requisition for stationery |
| 860 | Ready T.S. | Wetumpka, Ala | Oct. 15th/67 | Oct. 17th/67 | Reminds Henry L Lanford [[?]] J P in Beat br'g Elmonles |
| 861 | Webster Joshua Member of Board of Registrars | Corinth Miss. | Oct. 11th/67 | Oct. 17th/67 | Forwards statement regarding Wm. Mitchell freedmen |