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Headquarters 46th Wis Vols Inft.
Athens Ala. June 26, 1865

Major Gen. O.O. Howard
Chief Freedmens Bureau.


A few days ago a friend gave me a circular from you, asking the friends of the Freedmen come to give you all the information in their power in reference to your Bureau. I hereby forward you a few statements in reference to our operations at this place - Athens, Ala. I am the Chaplain of the 46th Wis. Vols. stationed here. When we came I found the colored people destitute; I immediately went to work to do all in my power for them, and now they are quite comfortable - this is due to their own exertions chiefly aided only a little.

We opened a school here May 23 - with 93 scholars. My wife taught it, aided by me three to four hours a day - it was a sacrifize for her to leave a pleasant home, dear parents and friends, but she did cheerfully and is happy in her lot.