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Office Bureau of Refugees
Freedmen &c Greenville Ala. Aug. 8, 1865

Maj. Chas. A. Miller


Major. - I arrived here at my Post of Duty the eve of the 4th. I was quite ill of fever the first two days after my arrival but am feeling much better now. I have no Negroes in camp here yet, and do not wish to establish a camp if I can possibly get along without; but cases occur where I am obliged to issue Rations to some of these Col'd people to prevent suffering. I therefore send you a Return for 500 Rations which I desire shipped as soon as convenient. I have established my office in the Commissary building near the rail-road, and will be quite comfortably situated in a day or two. I have also established the price of Contracts at 15 cts per. 100 words, the same as cases of recording in civil law, and do not consider it too much.

I am Major,
Very Respectfully Your obt. Servant
Alonzo. B. Brown
Capt. & Asst. Supt.