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misery & suffering among the Colered people during this Winter than was ever witnessed in this Country before 

I am Convinced, that the planters are waiting until about the time that the negroes will have to, either make Contracts or leave their old homes, thinking that they Can then dictate their own terms to the negros & they will accept any terms rather than be turned out of doors without food or the proper clothing to keep them Comfortable — Sir in my opinion if something is not done & that speedily there will be violence enacted, which will Cause every good person, heartache — If the government will establish a place of refuge for Colered people to go, until they Can obtain labour at a fair price, you will see laborers get up to $20, pr month in ten days — Laurence County has been raided upon until 

Transcription Notes:
unsure of/can't make out the words marked with [[?]]