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Salem Russell Co Ala Aug 15th/65
To Brig Genl Wager Swayne
Ass't Com'r of Freedmen
Montgomery Ala


Genl, In compliance with your request in Genl Order No 7 transfering to the Magistrates appointed by the Provisional Governor "the agents of Freedmen &c for the administration of Justice therein named." is hereby accepted.
I beg leave to call your attention to the fact, that Freedmen in this vicinity are not able in nine cases out of ten to pay fines for such minor offences as are not cognisable by the laws of this state, and according to the laws of this State Magistrates cannot fine for any offence of a criminal nature, misdemeanor &c &c.  To imprison in all cases of petty larceny, would soon fill the Jail of any county,, to say nothing about the many cases of vagrancey, insulting & obsene & vulgar language to Ladys as will as men. To these and other offences of a similar character, I would respectfully ask your full & explicit directions.