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Head Qr's. 73rd U.S.C.T. Camp Perofel[[guess]] New Orleans, La. Sept 12th 1865 Brv't. Gen. W. Swayne Asst Com. of Freedmen &c. Sir: - Your Communication of Aug 22nd is just received. Your kindly appreciation of my services while at Demopolis Ala. is most pleasant to me, and I can but feel grateful for it. The Col. of my Reg't being absent on Leave I am now in command. As I before stated the term of my Reg't expires on the 27th of this month. We are still in perfect ignorance as to whether the officers will be mustered out or transferred to other Reg'ts. I thank you for your kind offer. I wish as soon as this is received you would be so kind as to let me know what I can expect if I am mustered out on the 27th Inst, If
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