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Freedmen Bureau,
Head-Quarters, [[strikethrough]] Fifth Division, Cavalry Corps 
Military Division of the Mississippi [[/strikethrough]]
Talladega Ala. Sept 15th 1865

Brig. Gen. Swayne,

I have the honor to report by letter in accordance with special Order "No 27. - Extract 6," Head Qts. Dis't of Montgomery - as on duty, "with Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands;
I have been acting as such since the first of August, last, by order of Gen. Chryslor.
Very Respectfully, Your 
obet. Servant,
D. P. Cilley. Chaplain
2nd Vet. N.Y. Cav.

Please inform me what power I have to gain transportation: - to obtain a building or rooms for an office &. Sir be so kind as to send me papers, and orders, that I may be "posted" in this subject. In particular what are the conditions of wages and what parts of the crops, Freedmen are allowed.-
D. P. Cilley.