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Our Circuit Court convened on last Monday, Hon. Jas, Cobbs, Judge presiding and F.P. Snedecor,Esq.,Solicitor representing the State. His Honor's charge to the Grand Jury was able, comprehensive and well-timed, and if the Grand Jury perform their duties in the spirit of the charge of the court, but few offenders "against the peace and dignity," will escape. The present term is held under the law as it was before the war, which provided that State cases should be tried the second week of the term. And as it was the opinion of the Judge and the bar that no judgements in civil cases should be taken at this term, owing to the scarcity of money, the civil docket was not taken up. Next week the State docket will be taken up but we presume that but few cases will be tried, as there seems to be a general disposition to defer all trials for the present. The grand jury is yet in session and will perhaps consume most of the week before their labors are completed.