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Office Asst - Supt.
Bureau Refugees Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Mobile Ala.  Sept. 23rd 1863—

Brevet Colonel
C. Cadle
A.A. General &, C
Montgomery Ala.


I have the honor to Report the following as the Number of Rations Issued to detached Soldiers destitute Citizens Refugees and Freedmen From the 11th inst to the 20 inst-inclusive Viz

| No. of Det. Soldiers | 27 | No of Rations | 270 |
| No. of Refugees | 990 | No of Rations | 9900 |
| No of Destitute Citizens White | 22 | No of Rations | 220 |
| No of Destitute Citizens Black | 8 | No of Rations | 80 |
| No of Freedmen in Colony | 306 | No of Rations | 3060 |
|Total No of persons | 1353 |  | | 13530 |

In the
In the above Report all are considered adults but the No to whom Rations are issued greatly Exceeds this Since in all cases we reckon Two children as one adult

I am Colonel
Your obedient Servant-
Col & asst Supt-Freedmen Bureau-

[[right margin]]
Issued is
per Circular
No 8, B.R. F & a.l.
dated Washington
June 20 1865 -
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