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be fully possessed of their plans, and need only make the advance as the enterprise progresses, it is to be used for provisions and actual personal expenses of certain men of the crews of the vessels.

I have instructed the party from whom I have derived most of my information to say to them that he will be able to procure the amount they require to be paid to them from time to time.  One of the parties at least of this enterprise is of one of the first families of South Carolina, and I believe I saw the name of one member of the family in the list of those asking pardons a few days ago.

You will understand Mr Stanton, that I state to you only what I believe to be well founded, I had an interview with Governor Ransey, last night knowing him to be on very friendly terms with you, he proposed to Telegraph you last evening but as a day or two would not hurt the case, he proposed that I should go to Washington to day for an interview with you (using his name &c) and I intended to do so, but I find I had perhapse better remain here to gather additional facts until I can know your wishes. You may remember that I had an interview with you one Sunday morning at your Office, about the time Sherman, commenced his Campaign from Atlanta.

President Lincoln Mr Seward and Mr Price of Baltimore