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I hope you will consider it consistent with duty to give it prompt consideration.

I further respectfully suggest that the objects of your Bureau would be much better attained by giving up the building than by retaining it - The fact of your holding it to the exclusion of the sons of the white population, for whom it was erected by the State & for a special object, looks as if the blacks were to placed above the whites & much bad feeling is thus engendered - The negroes too are often heard to exult, & to say that they have driven out the whites & made it their own College - Your own good sense will at once tell you what all this must lead to when your bureau is gone - You have not more kind feelings towards the negroes than I have - & I know what I am saying when I say that if this antagonism is not soon repressed there will be a war of races which must exterminate the blacks - The people of Boston could not stand by & see Harvard converted into a school for coloured people to the exclusion of their own children.

very respectfully
Your Obt Svt.
J.C. Nott. M.D

Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard
Sup. Freedmens Bureau &c