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United States, nor did the United States ever acquire any title to it, "by Confiscation sale or otherwise” as your own proposition to lease admits.

The property was in charge of its proper custodian, the janitor, who was living in the building when he was expelled by order emanating from a branch of your bureau.  This is the usual way in which such buildings are occupied & habited, & the only way they are held, save during the Active season.  It was in this way the building was held during the entire war, from any & every kind of public occupation or use, after events had caused a temporary suspension of the lectures. 

I would respectfully suggest that in all the other Southern States the Medical Colleges have possession of their building, & have without objection been allowed to resume operations; that the building is question was constructed with a special regard to the  necessities of a Medical College, & that no other building in this City, or even in the State will meet such necessities, while there are many that will answer equally well, all the purposes of a Common School, such as is now taught in the building.

In view of these facts I am instructed to ask that the Mobile Medical College building be restored to the Trustees of the College, to be applied