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[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F.& A.L. WASHINGTON  REC'D NOV 17 1865 [[/stamp]]

to the purposes of its erection; that a just compensation for its use by the agents of your Bureau, & for the injuries done to its museum while in their possession be made, and that all orders necessary for those ends may be issued.

Requesting as early a reply as may be convenient, & hoping for a favorable one

I am very respectfully
Your obt servant
Wm D. Dunn
Board of Trustees

Majr Genl O. O. Howard
Genl Supt. Freedmans Bureau
[[left margin]] D. & R. F. & A. L. Vol 2/1865 [[/left margin]]

Make a copy of this letter for Genl Wager


Transcription Notes:
Per SI archive stamp not included (s_k)